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  1. Jonathan_Gangl

    Unhealthy Stubbornness - NEED TIPS/ADVICE!

    Hey guys, I haven’t posted on any forums of this issue here lately but I think now is the time to open up on an issue that has been stressing me and my loved one out. On early February, 2020 our bearded dragon, Castiel started to become noticeably picky with his selection of food. At that time...
  2. M

    Beardie lost a scale on his beard

    Hi I'm completely new to this site and cant find any answers. My beardie has attacked himself in the mirror what seems to be 1 too many times and has lost his centre scale just below his mouth. It looks like a cut sort of thing, I'm worried and we dont know if we can get to a vet during...
  3. B


    Hello all, I am going to make this short for now. My six or seven month old beardie has been super restless, glass surfing and running around his enclosure since I have given him dubia roaches a week or so ago. Please ask me for more details if you need them, I have been having trouble posting...
  4. M

    Weird stuck shed/scale rot/scab looking thing?

    I know the title is vague and I’m sorry, but I honestly have no idea what this is. Ive had Sandy since she was a few weeks old (she’s 2 years old now) and have never had a problem, bar a year or so back when she didn’t eat for 2 weeks. Her beard scales are starting to develop a weird stuck shed...
  5. I

    Substrate for baby beardie

    Hi, I'm getting a baby beardie soon and I want to know the right substrate for him. Here I compiled a list of what I know and the downsides of each. Please help me with ideas to remove the downsides so I can use them. Newspaper > gets the dragon black and looks bad Paper towel > looks bad Sand...
  6. Jason Roe

    Concerned... (more active than usual)

    So recently, and I mean the past couple of days, my bearded dragon has been acting up. Running around his Viv like crazy, more than usual, and attempting to climb the walls and glass surf. The only change his had is where I've bought the locust and having calcium more frequently. Didn't know if...
  7. J

    Is this a normal poop?

    My beardie is about 9 years old and she's never had any health problems at all. I got her from someone who was going to surrender her in high school and I've had her for 7 years now with no issues. Recently she stopped eating her crickets, superworms and now veggies. She also hadn't pooped in...
  8. S

    Great Reptile Kits?

    I have started a company devoted to making the BEST exotic pet enclosures and kits to give you more time to spend with your beloved pets. Each of our kits are thoroughly researched and specialized for your specific pet to make sure you don't have to go out and buy any extra supplies or sell any...
  9. I

    I want to get a baby beardie. Any specific recommendations for products?

    Hi, I want to get a beardie from 2-12 weeks old, does anyone have any links of cheap supplies I can get? The ones I specifically need are UVB light, Basking Light, Tank light, Thermometer, bulk live mealworms, reptile carpet, 75 gal tank, 75 gal tank lid, Food and water bowls. If anyone has any...
  10. Jack Neal

    Help pls!

    Ok so I got my beardie on Monday, it was a quick rehome and I cleaned his enclosure the best I could, and I’m still waiting on stuff to arrive for the inside. He’s great, however I’m worried because he wasn’t eating his locusts yesterday or today(Tuesday). I am assuming it’s just stress from the...
  11. C

    Concerned about Juvenile eating too much. Please help

    My almost 5 month old male bearded dragon is eating a lot. And when I mean a lot, he is going through 1,000 dubia roaches in less than a week. He won't stop eating until I take the bugs away. I swear he wouldn't stop if I let him.. He never leaves a single bug in his cage and he devours them as...
  12. Ayrn Fiorenini

    Help finding a tank

    Hey all! I’m new to being a beardie owner, and I thought it might be a good idea to come on here and ask a few questions! I am currently looking for a 75 gallon tank within a reasonable price range and preferably with hinged doors. I’m not sure if it’s because that is too specific, but I have...
  13. Brianna jones

    PLEASE HELP (lethargic, prolapse?))

    Don’t have a 24 hour vet in the area and my 4 month old bearded is very lethargic and can Barley open her eyes, she has something in her anal area and I’ve followed protocols for a prolapse, warm sugar bath with a sugar paste on the area as well as sterile lubricant. What do you y’all think is...
  14. Grace McLaughlin

    Can't Sleep - worried about my beardie

    Hey y'all, I'm new to this thread. I wanted to sign up since i got my beardie not too long ago and plan on keeping them around for a long time. I really need advice right now though. So, I've had my beardie for a couple months now. Every time I make his food I let him sit on my shoulder and...
  15. Logan Branchaud

    Please Help! 4-5 month y/o beardy

    Hey guys I'm in desperate need for answers. Me and my girlfriend bought our new bearded dragon Toast about 4-5 months ago (That's also his age) We've done hundreds upon hundreds of hours of research and came to the conclusion that his tiredness is just due to brumation, although brumation is...
  16. B

    Scale rot..??????

    My boy Bert has had this spot for a couple days now, is it scale rot? or just shedding? any ideas????
  17. LittleSpoonBigSpoon

    Female Bearded Dragon Acting Strange

    Hello everyone, we have a young (~1 year old) female bearded dragon named Valdora. Shes mainly on a diet of bok choy leaves, crickets and super worms with some apple as a treat. We tried giving her squash but she had no interest. We're at out last legs here trying to figure out what's wrong...
  18. S

    Help what does this mean?

    Baby bearded dragon born Oct 22. It hatched 2 days after all of the other ones, and his tail is like this.. Did he get stuck? my concerns are he walks kinda funny and the tail is curled and grey. any info at all would be amazing, this is the first time i bred. Thanks in advance to anyone to...
  19. J

    Unknown Spot

    Does anyone know what this spot is on my beardies leg is? He also has one on his arm. They are not growing any bigger and I made sure it wasn't stuck shed or anything stuck on him. Someone told me it could just be a birth mark, but I don't know how true that is.
  20. C


    I feel like a terrible parent. I feel like a piece of crap. Like I'm worthless, I just lost the one thing that gave every day light... my baby beardie, Badass, escaped... I've always been able to let him sit next to me on my lap, on my bed, etc. and he'd just chill there, he was always...

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