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Not many people know this but reptiles are very empathic animals. They can be cute, unique, full of personality and character. That, in my opinion, is what makes them wonderful pets and amazing companions. So that’s why here in this article I’ll be talking a bit about reptiles and more...
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my bearded dragon is 4 years old up until recently he has been refusing to eat anything but worms. ive tried giving him different greens incase hes gone off the ones i usually give him but he still doesnt eat it. ive also tried giving him fruits and veg like blueberrys and cucumber and he also...
Unlike some reptiles that are notorious for being finicky and difficult to keep in good health, bearded dragons are known for being among the easiest lizards for beginner pet owners to properly care for. While hardy, beardies can still be prone to a host of health issues and ailments that can...
So on wed I got my first dragon he is about 4 months old. The first 2 days I was able to get him to eat and he was exploring his tank and he was pooping. After the first 2 days we noticed debris in his eye so we cleaned it, and now he hasn’t ate the past 2 days and has been spending most of his...
I recently got a bearded dragon, he is just over one year old and is very happy. My bearded dragon started shedding about a month ago, and has just finished on his limbs. I have noticed that he has gone white around his mouth and I am not sure if it is something to be concerned about. Can anyone...
Help! my bearded dragon's back legs are not working and he is bloated and tired all the time!
Hi just bathed my dragon and noticed he had this on his underneath not sure what it is please help
Here's her enclosure when visible light is on full blast she has a sunrise and a sunset photoperiod I'll show those in pictures aswell her enclosure size is 6ftx2ftx2ft she has a mistking system and is fully bioactive she has 2 jungle dawn led bars by arcadia and Arcadia 14% uvb and their par38...
When is it time to upgrade your dragon cage. I see to many people with full grown dragons in 40 gallons. Today let’s go over when you should upgrade you dragons cage. BABIES lets say you are planning to get a baby bearded dragon. Good choice mine is on me whiles I’m writing this. So...
No! Unlike hognose snakes and most other pet reptiles, bearded dragons are diurnal. This means that they are the most active during the day, which is another reason why they’re so great for beginners. Feel free to play with or feed your pet bearded dragon during the daytime without fear of...
Although it is rare, bearded dragons will sometimes bite people. Usually, this happens when finger feeding your beardie because they can associate your fingers with food or smell the food on your fingers. To avoid this, you can use reptile feeding tongs that can be bought at your local pet...
Ok. So your child got into reptiles or you want one for yourself. :bd: It depends on the person. For example, if you are freaked out by insects a Beardie might not be the right choice for you ;) So lets start with a few categories that will help you decide whether it is the right pet for you...
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Unlike some reptiles that are notorious for being finicky and difficult to keep in good health, bearded dragons are known for being among the easiest lizards for beginner pet owners to properly care for. While hardy, beardies can still be prone to a host of health issues and ailments that can be...
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings
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Before purchasing your first pet bearded dragon, it is important for you to understand the steps and techniques involved in the ritual of habitat cleaning. Beardies, which are native to the arid deserts and brushlands spanning the whole of Australia, are extremely popular in the worldwide exotic...
Before purchasing your first pet bearded dragon, it is important for you to understand the steps and techniques involved in the ritual of habitat cleaning. Beardies, which are native to the arid deserts and brushlands spanning the whole of Australia, are extremely popular in the worldwide exotic...

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