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What did your dragon do today?

Mark W

Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Eliza ate bananas and parsley--and I want to get some money so I can get her a better meal like one with crickets! :)

NaTasha Brinkley

Juvenile Dragon
this is what Rocky/Roxy did yesterday....


Pat B

Super Moderator
Columbia SC
I took Spike out of his tank today and sat in the recliner with him. He looked all around and started traveling down my leg to the end of the recliner....looked around again and did a flying leap and did a belly flop right onto the carpet and started to run!! He went straight for the outside door!! Back into his tank he went!! :D


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
LOL! Sounds like Spike's a real dare devil. Today, mine went outside and did her business. Later today, she got to go on a long awaited car trip! She just couldn't wait to go out on a trip! Smiles and all! She visited my brother, his home, let her down on the deck and she ran around investigating everything, and couldn't wait to run around the house, climbed all over my brother, and wanted to run around the couch. It makes me wonder where her energy's coming from? Her crickets? Her greens maybe? Me?

Pat B

Super Moderator
Columbia SC
I have had Spike now for 4 months and he has rarely been out of his tank. I am just now starting to take him out on a daily basis and let him run in the house a little bit. He is a little runt and I am so afraid he is going to run under the furniture and I am going to have to move everything to get the little booger!! He seems to like getting out for a while....it is a new world for him!! :D


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Allie and I go for a short little walk outside on her harness. I let her down on the strip of grass outside of our house. (Don't trust the dogs I've got.) She'll sit there, flattened out, and then goes to the bathroom on the grass. Then she's happy because she did her good deed. 'Saves on paper towels.' and spot clean ups.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
this is what Rocky/Roxy did yesterday....


So cute! Mine loves to go the window. She'll sit on the main computer's keyboard and then jump toward the window. I take her to the window, and she arm waves at the animals outside.


Hatchling Dragon
Yesterday Beard, my dog, and I were getting some sun out on my patio. My dog started growling and whining at another dog and I told him to shut up and Beard looked at me. I told him no you the dog and he tilted his head and looked at Jack. Hahaha he cracks me up.

NaTasha Brinkley

Juvenile Dragon
Well, today I attempted to tell the sex of my bearded dragon. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure I saw 2 bumps on either side of his tale indicating that he is a boy. So, Rocky went crazy on his crickets today! This morning I was a little late on feeding him and I guess it wasn't a minute too soon b/c he didn't even wait for the crix to crawl out of the plastic container I use to transfer them... he crawled right in and went to town. LOL. And then tonight I kept having to put more and more crix in... he probably ate around 20 of them in one feeding which is crazy. He usually only eats about 25-30 in a whole day. PLUS he ate ALL his greens! Was very surprised at that; today was the first time it's ever happened. I'm thinking he's going through a growth spurt. ;)


Hatchling Dragon
New Hampshire
Today Harry was being funny. He has a stuffed bunny in his cage and I thinkj Harry thought it was looking at him funny or something so he basically kicked it across the cage. Then he went over to it and started to cuddle it. It was the funniest thing. Harry is beginning to have more of a personality now. He knows what he wants and when he wants it and throws little temper tantrums when he doesn't get it. Remonds me of my 4 year old HUMAN child, lol:D


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
LOL! When I first introduced a blue teddy bear to Allie, she tried to eat it. LOL! No more teddy bears for Allie.

Today, Allie had three walks outside in the sun! She enjoyed her self and went to the bathroom outside each time she went out. Allie ate six crickets today and no supers tonight. She looked at one and then turned her head away. :) Hmm. She's shed some of her head, cuddled with me before bed, fell asleep on me, and then I tucked her into her bed. I may spoil her a little, but who doesn't? They're just so cute and into everything and little daredevils.


Hatchling Dragon
Indiana, PA
So im sitting here talking to friends on tortoise forum and chameleon forum and obviously here on bearded dragon forum and what does Merlin do......

He has just eaten so he is baking and happy as can be. It excites me when he cracks his mouth open a little bit cause i read that that means he is at optimum temp. :)
but anyway he jumped from the basking spot to the screen top walked along the screen and down his little plant till he was laying in his fav relaxation spot. his upside down bark cave. (its upside down cause he is new so i didn't want him to hide all the time cause he wasn't used to me) he does the most adorable little things and i get so excited. has anyone ever had there dragon climbing upside down on the screen top of the cage?

Asia Lorraine

Hatchling Dragon
Today I got my beardie from Petsmart today. We took pictures which I swear he was posing for. Then we (my boyfriend amd me) feed him his crickets which he very quickly gobbled. :) Now he is basking.

Pat B

Super Moderator
Columbia SC
Silly Beardie....welcome to BDF if I haven't already. They love their crickets. Good luck and come back often....:D


Bearded Dragon Veteran
i took my bearded dragon outa his tank last night and had him on my bed. i have a cover on there that has a stringy border on it, he must have thought it was bugs and tried to eat it, got it in his mouth and everything.

i got it outa his mouth in time, but then he chaced the cover every time i moved it. hes like a cat with that thing.

Asia Lorraine

Hatchling Dragon
Today my beardie......started shedding his skin!!!!! This is the first shed!! I was so excited. It seems like a good sign concerning his health which is very important to me. We also graduated up to 4 xtra crickets and we had some cuddle time out of the cage.


Hatchling Dragon
Castiel is looking very fat again :eek: she better not have another clutch on the way! She did nothing but lay around on rocks all day.
Cleo ate her pinkie after a LOT of nudging from both me and the critter master (my son, Stephon).
Hey there....haven't seen you around lately....Everything ok?? Sorry about Castiel looking 'fat' again!! That is why I am so glad that I have a male!! My Spike lays around everyday unless I am nice and let him run around the house....hahaha....he doesn't go very far. I am afraid he will get under the couch or a chair and I will never find him!! Good to see you again!!:D

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