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BAsking temps for babies should be between 110-120.
As the beardies get older they tend to want less heat but since babies are going through so much food and need to digest it quickly and more effciently (do to the kink in their intestines) they need the higher basking temps.
Try bumping them up a bit and see if you can get him to bask.
A dragon will want to sleep if the temps are not high enough. When you have a baby dragon (under 18 months) they need the higher temps to aid with digestion. If the temps are not high enough they stop or refuse to bask and try to find a spot to sleep. If your tank is setup properly there should be enough temp gradiant that the dragon can move around to self adjust it's temps, but under 100 F is too cool for the surface temp of basking location for any age Dragon.
If you temps are low and the dragon tries to hide, that means he wants to sleep. Having a baby dragon that wants to sleep all the time usually means 1 of 2 things: 1) there is something wrong with your setup, which could be that you have the wrong temps, no UVB light or the wrong food or 2) your dragon may be ill.
With you dragon, I think it may be the setup and your temps.
What UVB bulb do you ahve in you Zilla fixture?
What are you using to Measure you temps?
What is the BAsking temp and the cool side temp?
How often, how much, and waht are feeding your little one?
Lets see if we can figure this out and get your friend active and acting normal.
I can have 150 plus baby dragons at any given time and many of them sleep under there hides allot they do have to have a 100 plus basking spot but they all should no matter what the age they will self-regulate and move away when they are to hot .