• Hello guest! Are you a Bearded Dragon enthusiast? If so we invite you to join our community and see what it has to offer. Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Beardie enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your dragons and enclosures and have a great time with other Bearded Dragon enthusiasts. Sign up today!
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  • Hey Bill, is there a spot on our user info to post pics, what I mean is somenthing like a 5 pic max photo gallery of our own?
    Bill i know I'm new but hear me out!
    I'm part of some Mustang fourms as well as now this one and the mustang forums are cool I'm the fact that they have am iPhone app to support it!

    Why don't we get an iPhone app for this forum then I gaurentee you people will be more inclined to use it! It's much easier, faster, and user friendly that way. Just a thought but a great way to make this a highly active site.
    So what kinda price do you have on those silkies sure would be interested in one or two
    not sure but im going to throw in a bonus with each one oh ya the bonus will be unrelated
    Well let me know im sure interested. I get a extra paycheck in july so will have some money to play with. im looking at a red silk also but would rather buy from someone on the forum. So as soon as you decide let me know if you would>
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