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Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
I thought he needed to pull his britches up too but the kids are wearing them like that. It cracks me up when I see thier entire behinds out over the tops ot thier pants!!! And then I remember my hip huggers and going into the lunchroom at school and seeing a line of cracks as the girls sat at the benches eating!! We did our own things!!! I really hate those whale tails when the girls bend over with thier thongs!!! ALAS!!! I have turned into an old fuddy....

Staylor that is such a cute pic!!! :D

Very cute beardie_love!!

Handsome as ever Craiger!! That's Petrie on my head!! He ran up there himself so I grabbed the others and had Sarah take the pic!!


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
AdamWTF said:
Yeah I get told that a lot... ):

lol Craiger you have pretty girls I can imagine your worry. I'm only 19 so tbh I would be a prime example of your worries I imagine. Still long as they got there heads screwed on eh! Least they ain't like some of the UK girls trust me! >_<

Thanks dude. You're the same age Bev and I were when we got married....and the twins will be 19 this year.

I think the worrying has to do with them getting more and more independant. True, Bev and I raised them well and they do have good heads on their shoulders, but I still worry. The good thing is that they know exactly what they want to do with their lives and they aren't afraid to tell guys how things are going to be with their relationships. It's turned some away, but I figure it's only for the best. The guys they are seeing right now are really good guys and treat them like queens. Like it should be. They're at an age where I'm extremely excited, but very nervous at the same time. Does that make sense?


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Thank you all.

Craig. I know what you mean. Mine just turned 5 and I worry about when she is a teen/on her own already. She is a lot like me, thick headed, and I teach her everyday to have goals in life. But I was kind of wild (not boy wild, me and my husband have been together since I was 16) when I went out on my own and that is the part that worries me. But I am a more hands on parent than mine and work hard on my relationships with my kids so I think they will be fine.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
staylor said:
Thank you all.

Craig. I know what you mean. Mine just turned 5 and I worry about when she is a teen/on her own already. She is a lot like me, thick headed, and I teach her everyday to have goals in life. But I was kind of wild (not boy wild, me and my husband have been together since I was 16) when I went out on my own and that is the part that worries me. But I am a more hands on parent than mine and work hard on my relationships with my kids so I think they will be fine.

Interesting, Bev and I met just after we both turned 16 as well. She's the only girl I've ever dated.

Oh....and thanks Vesta.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
You sound like a good dad tbh I must say. Least as much as you worry your still giving your girls the freedom they need by the sounds of it. Believe me I've met some dad's who would rather shoot any guy that came round there daughter rather than see how it could turn out! :') Specially when they see me... A guy with long hair and piercings... Apparently I must be evil and a waste of space it seems. I try to pride myself as a good boyfriend tbh, me and my girlfriend are going really well, luckily her parents adore me and I'm very thankful for that. Always makes life easier. Tbh tho my girlfriend is my princess ;D anyone around us both sees how in love we both are. Young love! ^_^


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I'm only 19 so tbh I would be a prime example of your worries I imagine. Still long as they got there heads screwed on eh!

lol.........now if that ain't brutal honesty. Way to go dude. Even i gotta admire that.
Individuality Rules.

It cracks me up when I see thier entire behinds out over the tops ot thier pants!!!

coming from a woman who 45 years ago would rather wear beads than clothing. Well put hon. :D

Sandra.............adorable pic.

Craig......keep dreaming buddy. it never gets easier. You have them and worry they'll get sick, raise them and worry they'll make mistakes, change their diapers and worry you'll put it on backwards. You Worry over their first day of school, and anticipate their last. Cry at the graduation and weddings and worry they'll make a mistake. When they have children, you watch them make the mistakes you did and you worry that somewhere you did something wrong, even if you didn't. Then as you age........they change your diapers and you worry they'll put it on backwards. Life is full of irony.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Then as you age........they change your diapers and you worry they'll put it on backwards.

Now even though you are 197 years old, last I saw you you still seemed capable of changing your own diaper.



Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
I met MIke when I was 15 and married him when I was 16. It will be 35 years April 25.

I have 3 children. Schelly who is 34, has 4 kids, homeschools and is an amazing mother. We are only 17 years apart. She was born (1 month to the day)before our 1 year anniversary!!

Bobby, 32. I guess he likes to be called Bob or Robert now!! LOL!! He is the head of the accounting department at an insurance company. He has one child Michael. Who is 3.

And Sarah. She was our "UH OH"!! But what a blessing she is to us!!! She works for the same company Bob does but I'm not sure what. :-\ She lives with Bobby while saving for her own house!!

All 3 are good kids and gave me litle or no trouble!!! The girls are more like me and are spit fires!!! ;D


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
LOL GINA!!! Me too!!! I used to say that when I was old I'd be running around in my bikini while everyone else was naked!!! ;D

Never in a million years did I imagine I would end up looking like this!!! Beauty fades!! And all that's left is who you really are!!! :-\


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
AdamWTF said:
You sound like a good dad tbh I must say. Least as much as you worry your still giving your girls the freedom they need by the sounds of it. Believe me I've met some dad's who would rather shoot any guy that came round there daughter rather than see how it could turn out! :') Specially when they see me... A guy with long hair and piercings... Apparently I must be evil and a waste of space it seems. I try to pride myself as a good boyfriend tbh, me and my girlfriend are going really well, luckily her parents adore me and I'm very thankful for that. Always makes life easier. Tbh tho my girlfriend is my princess ;D anyone around us both sees how in love we both are. Young love! ^_^

Thanks Adam. Bev and I would love to keep them locked up and free from harm, but the room we'd lock them in would probably be air tight and....well....they'd suffocate. How is that being protective? LOL! Honestly, though, we've seen parents that rule with an iron fist....and it usually backfires....causing rebellion. So we've kind of gone about things by telling them what we think of a situation, but, ultimately, letting them make the decision. We do warn them of what could happen if the decision they make isn't necessarily the "right" decision. And, usually, they do pretty good. I'm quite proud of them. But....I AM a parent. I think we're supposed to worry. It bothers me when many parents don't.

Oh....and you haven't seen long hair. I had 18 inches cut off mine 15 years ago. I, too, have piercings...and tattoos...so things like that don't get to me. In fact, Bev and I are still considered to be pretty cool among the twins and their friends. They like to "show us off" so-to-speak....especially when most of their friends' parents are 50 and up. So.....I feel good about them and our relationship. What I worry most about is "freaks". There's far too many of them in this world. And as odd as we are in this bunch, we're quite normal human beings. We have good minds and caring hearts. I mean, we take care of animals....who rely on us for everything. The ones that are "out of balance" are the ones that scare me....and with the twins being as beautiful as they are, they get noticed quite a bit. Sometimes by the wrong guys. THAT'S what scares me most.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
ladyknite said:
Craig......keep dreaming buddy. it never gets easier. You have them and worry they'll get sick, raise them and worry they'll make mistakes, change their diapers and worry you'll put it on backwards. You Worry over their first day of school, and anticipate their last. Cry at the graduation and weddings and worry they'll make a mistake. When they have children, you watch them make the mistakes you did and you worry that somewhere you did something wrong, even if you didn't. Then as you age........they change your diapers and you worry they'll put it on backwards. Life is full of irony.

I'm treating this as hilarious wisdom! I'm taking it to heart, but cracking up while at it. :D


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Vesta said:
And all that's left is who you really are!!! :-\

But Vesta.....that's where the TRUE beauty is. Many just don't realize it.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Craiger!! You do have to watch very carefully!! You can teach them to be cautious but there are a lot of sick people out there!! When we moved here I checked out the sexual predators in our area. In this small community there were several. Some of thier pics actually scared me!! Gotta be careful these days!!!

I always let mine be who they were but gave advice or opinions where I could!! I was always open and honest about who I was when I was younger. I told them the things I had done and how it had worked out for me. The good, the bad and the ugly(and there were some ugly times) I remember some people telling me I shouldn't tell them lest they throw it back in my face if they did it!!! That NEVER happened. I think it kept them from making the same mistakes because I had already told them how it would end!! I have really good relationships with all 3 and I am grateful for that!!


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Thank You Craiger!!! I was a booger and was always afraid my kids would do the things I did!!! I did ALOT of praying!! Because if they were only HALF as bad as I was I KNEW I had my hands full!!!! LOL!!!


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
I gotta admit Craiger you do look like a cool dad! :p Wish my parents had kept reptiles when I was younger or hell if they were even like me haha. Kinda the odd one out in the family tbh. Anyway I digress, It's time for me to run the lovely lady I told you all about is on her way around. Look forward to my pics of Cookie later guys! ;)


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Oh Craig is One Cool Dad! His daughters are beautiful along with his wife. They are a great looking family.

Hahaha Vesta, you saying your girls are "spit fires". OMG, what the heck were you?


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I have the same parenting style as you do Craig. I have seen too many of my friends growing up rebel when they got older. I look at them now and see they hang out at the bar every night, working dead end jobs and doing nothing with themselves because there parents have always demanded them they have to get good grades, go to college and get a good job so now they do the opposite of that. But the people who's parents guided them but let them choose are all going places.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Craiger said:
I totally didn't know this thread existed. So cool to put faces with names. Here's me and my wife in Chicago a couple months ago.


And you'll hear me talking about these two a lot.....my twins. They start college this fall.


That was the day at the aquarium right? Love that one. And the girls...they get pretty with each pic you post of them.

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