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HELP!!! My beardie is sick!


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Hi, I'm new here and I'm 13 in a month. I've had my beardie, Sandy (looong story. we used to think "he" was a "she" anyway...) for about ten months. About three months ago he had started showing signs of an illness called "Gout". Gout occurs when the uric acid crystals are deposited in the limbs and kidneys. It causes alot of swelling. Dad did some research and found out that the only reported articles on Gout are on mammals. Usaully seen in humans and rarely seen in animals let alone reptiles. So the only thing I could do was bathe him twice a day and give him only 2 roaches, plus ALOT of greens. So thats what I did up to 4 days ago. He had been really swollen (more so than usual) , and without us noticing he fell off his log and under the heat light on his back. When we found him we pulled him out and put him in lukewarm water. He rapidly heated up the water, his body temp. was up so high. We didnt know if he had cooked any important organs, therefore we didnt know if he was going to make it the night. We took out his log and hoped he'd make it. Well, he had. The thing was that he was acting REALLY sick (barely keeping his eyes open, hardley ever moving, etc.). but the day before yesterday he suddenly got a new symptoms, paralysis. He couldnt move his hips, back legs, and his cloaka was hanging open. He acted as if he was going to die that day. He didn't and is still alive. His cloaka isn't open anymore but he's still acting a bit..well.. off. I've been giving him daily " Therapy" which is when I put him in our bathtub and move his paralized joints. But now he is Falling asleep ( literally he CANT stay awake and you can't wake him up unless you dangle him upside down) constantly, even in the water. He just go's under but doesn't wake up to get himself out. SO I pull him out as soon as it happens, but even so he still has inhaled a good bit of water. Earlier he wouldn't wake up even when i dangled him. I thought for sure he was dead because I couldn't see him breathing. I dunked him one last time for a feeble attempt to wake him and he awoke but looked terrible. I dont know what to do. He is just suffering. I'm pretty sure he isnt going to make it but it would be nice if any of you had ANY information to share. I'm doing all I can but it doesn't feel like enough. I'm racing against the clock untill his death. PLEASE if you have any info that could possibly help dont hesitate and go ahead and post.

Gina ???


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
I have not heard of this, but my suggestion is to take him to a herp vet ASAP, as an emergency.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Sounds like heis knocking on deaths door. there is only so much you can do at home. He needs vet attention immediately.

what do you feed him? Do you use calcium and vitamin dust on his live feeders? What is the temps (basking and cool side) in the taank? what are you taking temps with? Do you have a uv light? What brand and model number is it?

Get him to a vet asap and see what they suggest.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
There are no herp vets around us. :( We feed him a variety of home grown tropical roaches such as the dubia, lobster, and hisser. We dust his roaches in calcium everyday. His hot end is 95 and his cool end is 85. We are taking his temps with a digital meat thermomiter with a cord and probe. we use a uvb floresent tube. I have no clue what brand.




Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Hi Gina...

Sorry you are here during this time. Sounds like your guy is pretty sick and i also would highly recommend a vet. If you give me the state and the area you live in I can get some vets for you.

I would like to check all your husbandry information too. Maybe there is something that is being missed. Please answer these quesions.

Husbandry Questions

1. Age
2. Length
3. Weight
4. Basking temps
5. Are they measures with a digital thermometer
6. What % and age uvb it is on the tube somewhere
7. What is the substrate
8. What size tank
9. How many/big are the crix you are feeding
10. What greens
11. Are you dusting w/ a multi vitamin and calcium
12. Last poop
13. Last soak
14. How long has he/she been in your home


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
10 month (i think)
11 inches
no clue
its a reptisun thats all i know i dont see it printed anywhere. its 4 months old
we dont feed crix. we feed a variety of home grown tropical roaches such as dubia, lobster, hissers. we feed him 3-4 aday bcuz protien makes gout worse.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
K...nothing jumps out at me. Your husbandry looks good. You could pop the temps up just a bit, but other than that all seems okay.

Here is a link to vets...try and find one near you. I think it is important at this time to have him checked. I honestly have never heard of a beardie getting gout. Possibly somebody else has?

Keep us updated.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
When I asked last poop...you put "yes". When was his last one. I know this is gross, but what did it look like.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I'm sorry that you found us under these conditions. We have a lot of folks who are miracle workers in finding a herp vet near you. If you could let us know where you are located, we'd be happy to help you.

If you don't feel comfortable posting it, feel free to PM me with your location and I'll see if I can find a vet for you. Based on your description, your dragon sounds pretty bad. I'm sorry I had to say it.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
OH MY GOD! GUESS WHAT!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? When I gave sandy a bath He pooped- AND PEED! AAAAAAAAAAND! Once we put him away I gave him a lobster roach and he ate it! AND THEN ANOTHER ONE! So lets review what has happened today

He swam around
moved his leg
and ATE 2 lobster roaches!


p.s it looked alittle yellowish


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Poop is always a good sign. How long has it been since he pooped?


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
That is exactly why I was asking the time. Before today and the bath, how long has it been since he had pooped? I am thinking that the prolapse possibly was caused from not having a bm for a long period of time. Just a thought.

Did you see the list of vets?


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
sandy87 said:
p.s it looked alittle yellowish

Welcome to the forum! So sorry you had to find us when your baby got sick. What looked yellowish, the urate or poop? If the urate looked yellowish it could mean to much calcium or a parasite infestation. Parasites can also cause a prolapse.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
what is a prolapse? He had pooped the yesterday but hadnt peed. The urates looked yellowish. And whats a BM? I'm sorry but mom said not to give out where I live. :( there is only one vet and he is 2 1/2 hours away. Dad said we dont have the money. And on another board someone said I was hurting sandy by doing his "Therapy" what do you think?



Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
sandy87 said:
what is a prolapse? He had pooped the yesterday but hadnt peed. The urates looked yellowish. And whats a BM? I'm sorry but mom said not to give out where I live. :( there is only one vet and he is 2 1/2 hours away. Dad said we dont have the money. And on another board someone said I was hurting sandy by doing his "Therapy" what do you think?


A prolapse is where their intestines will come out of their cloaca/vent. Like mentioned before this usually happens to sick animals with parasitic infections or when they strain to poop. A BM is a bowel movement or poop. I personally don't think it was gout that your dragon had but I can't be sure since I'm not a vet. Soaking doesn't cause much harm as long as he is dried well and put right back in the enclosure afterwards. 2 times a day may be too much though. I would not limit his bugs but instead offer as much as he can eat and also offer healthy greens. Are the bugs smaller than the space between his eyes? The paralysis makes me think impaction. What are your temps and how do you measure them?


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prolapse is when his insides come out. You mentioned that happened. A few things can cause that as mentioned. Water therapy can not hurr your dragon. Actually swimming is good exercise. Understandable about finances, but go to the link i put up a couple of messages ago. Find your state. Maybe there is a vet that will help you. At the minimum you really do need to have a fecal test done.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I'm sorry that you are in this situation. It is tough.

Maybe you can talk your dad into getting the fecal test. They can run about 25 bucks. Your regular vet can perform one (typically).

Just a note, be careful about what folks are saying to you. People are very passionate about bearded dragon care and tend to get frustrated when they hear a beardie is hurting.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Dad said that he can have a prolapse but it could stay inside? Is this true? His hot end (we checked today) is 104 and his cool end is 86. we use a digital thermomiter. and yes the bugs are smaller then the space in between his eyes. Mom, dad, and I are going to try and contact Brookfield zoo! They have special vets onhand all the time! Sense my birthday is in july I told mom and dad to worry about sandy and to spend everything on him. I hope this works keep your fingers crossed!




Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Good luck...that is a very unselfish jesture for a 13 year old. Let us know how you make out. Btw..remind me what you use for substrate.
Also....love to see pics of Sandy.

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