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1st timer

Dragon Mike

Hatchling Dragon
Hey Everyone,
New here just wanted to say hi. My name is Mike. I just got this guy at the Chicago Reptile Show over the weekend. I'm not sure what type of beardy he/she is but I wanted to introduce myself and show him off. dragon a.jpg dragon b.jpg
dragon a.jpg
dragon b.jpg

Dragon Mike

Hatchling Dragon
Thanks for the warm welcomes. I'm really excited about having my first beardie. I was wondering if anyone could help me and tell me what kind it is. I got him at the reptile show and I think the woman was filling in for her husband because she couldn't really tell me anything about it. It's not a rankin, is it?

Anthony Radford

Bearded Dragon Veteran
I don't know if it's a rankin. A rankin is not actually a bearded dragon, but more of a dwarf cousin. The size of the dragon in your picture is almost the size of a full grown Rankin.

The vendor at the show would have had to label it AS a rankin if that was the case.

The best way to find out exactly what the dragon is, would be to contact the breeder/vendor and speak with him (husband) as he should know the genetics of the parents.

Anthony Radford

Bearded Dragon Veteran
The pictures are kinda low resolution, so kind of hard to see "fine" details, so I can't quite tell, but it could at least maybe be Leatherback at least...


Bearded Dragon Veteran
Are you wanting a Rankin?

From what I know Rankin's do not have any color. They do not have a beard, their head is shaped differently and the size dragon you have now would be a full grown Rankin.

Like Tony said it's hard to tell in those pictures but I myself would call the breeder if you really want to know the genetics. The breeder can tell you everything you want to know even the hatch date.

If I could see the face and the beard that would tell me right away if it's a Rankin. But him having color on his back tells me it's not a Rankin.

Either way, it is a beautiful bearded dragon! Congrats!!!

Dragon Mike

Hatchling Dragon
I didn't want a Rankin. I'm really just so happy about this guy, I wouldn't get rid of him anyway. I was just curious. I like the coloring and can't wait to see how it is when it gets bigger. I don't know if its male or female yet, but again, it doesn't matter anyway.

Thanks mx.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
I didn't want a Rankin. I'm really just so happy about this guy, I wouldn't get rid of him anyway. I was just curious. I like the coloring and can't wait to see how it is when it gets bigger. I don't know if its male or female yet, but again, it doesn't matter anyway.

Thanks mx.

Awwww how sweet!! I'm so happy to hear that!! He/she is beautiful. The colors are gorgeous and will only get brighter with each shed!

There is a way to tell the sex. So when you want to check that just let us know and we can show you.

I'm so happy for you. You will love your new bearded dragon! I've had my Wally now for a few months and every night we have cuddle time for about an hour. He just lays on my chest/neck and snuggles in. He will become your best friend and you will find yourself wanting to hold him and take him wherever you go.

I can't wait to see and hear all about his life and your adventures!!

Anthony Radford

Bearded Dragon Veteran
He will become your best friend and you will find yourself wanting to hold him and take him wherever you go!!

This is SO true. Mike, you will get so attached to him, and him to you. Dragons bond very tight. People always talk about how loyal dogs are, and the bonds they have with them - well, those people never had a dragon.... Your dragon's bond with you will put a dog's to shame!


Bearded Dragon Veteran
Thanks for the warm welcomes. I'm really excited about having my first beardie. I was wondering if anyone could help me and tell me what kind it is. I got him at the reptile show and I think the woman was filling in for her husband because she couldn't really tell me anything about it. It's not a rankin, is it?

Defiently not a rankin. They are actually quite rare. A way to tell is that they will actually have an extra set of spikes at the base of their tails that beardies lack. I think you just have a cute baby Beardie :)

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Bearded Dragon Veteran
A way to tell is that they will actually have an extra set of spikes at the base of their tails that beardies lack.

Hey can you show me where you got this information? I've not heard this and my friend in Kentucky has a Rankin.

So if you can show me this I would LOVE to see and read about it, so I can show Shauna!

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Bearded Dragon Veteran

Sure. A breeder of them on another forum shared a lot of info about the species. It's on many google searches as well but I will see if I can find the link where this guy answers questions about them. You can read through he shares many pics as well

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Bearded Dragon Veteran
Unfortunately it will not let me share the URL since I am not a member on the forum (I just explored it awhile back before we purchased Spyra to learn about Rankins). I took a few screen shots where the difference between rankins and beardies are described. and I'll include a pic of a rankin where you can see the more dominate spikes at the tail base.

I'll keep searching for a way to share the link I would love for you to see it. It's very insightful learning from others

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Bearded Dragon Veteran
Unfortunately it will not let me share the URL since I am not a member on the forum (I just explored it awhile back before we purchased Spyra to learn about Rankins). I took a few screen shots where the difference between rankins and beardies are described. and I'll include a pic of a rankin where you can see the more dominate spikes at the tail base.

I'll keep searching for a way to share the link I would love for you to see it. It's very insightful learning from others

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Yes if you can get it to work please share as Shauna's Rankin dragon has spikes on the tail going down the sides of the tail but nothing on the base of the tail. She got hers from Queensland cuz there aren't many Rankins in the USA unless they are inbred. I will try to get pictures from Shauna so you can see her dragon.

There isn't much information about them either so if you have information that I can share with Shauna we both would appreciate it.

Thank you!