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I agree with what Patsy has said..


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hello everyone,

Nice to meet you all and your dragons. :)

I am the new owner of 2 bearded dragons. My first lizard is a Crested Gecko that i got about 6 months ago so I am still very new to reptiles.

Although I really wanted a baby, I deceided to go to the local reptile rescue first and there I found Hutchi! That was 6 weeks ago. He is a 4-5 years old handsome yellow boy that is super sweet and friendly. I am so glad I recued him I couldn't ask for a better pet.

Please always checkout the rescues before buying a pet from a breeder. Thank you.

Here is Hutchi looking so handsome (obviously! lol)

Here is Hutchi sleeping on me. Such a little cuddler. LOL

Doing so well with Hutchi and with a empty tank that was set up for the baby dragon I thought I would get, I couldn't resist and got a second bearded dragon a couple weeks later.

Heidi was a little wee at 14 gram 7" when i got her. She is from Kelowna Bearded Dragons and my experience with them has been great. She is settling well although a little shy I think cause she keep on waving at me, at the dogs and at her own reflextion. That sure is adorable though i love her wave. She lives to come out of her tank, she will often climb on my hand and keep going on my arm to come out. A baby is MUCH more work and money than an adult that's for sure! But I love her just as much she's a sweety.

Here is Heidi

Here is Heidi enjoying her new fav basking spot. lol


Bearded Dragon Veteran
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3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Hello everyone,

Nice to meet you all and your dragons. :)

I am the new owner of 2 bearded dragons. My first lizard is a Crested Gecko that i got about 6 months ago so I am still very new to reptiles.

Although I really wanted a baby, I deceided to go to the local reptile rescue first and there I found Hutchi! That was 6 weeks ago. He is a 4-5 years old handsome yellow boy that is super sweet and friendly. I am so glad I recued him I couldn't ask for a better pet.

Please always checkout the rescues before buying a pet from a breeder. Thank you.

Here is Hutchi looking so handsome (obviously! lol)
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Here is Hutchi sleeping on me. Such a little cuddler. LOL
View attachment 18566

Doing so well with Hutchi and with a empty tank that was set up for the baby dragon I thought I would get, I couldn't resist and got a second bearded dragon a couple weeks later.

Heidi was a little wee at 14 gram 7" when i got her. She is from Kelowna Bearded Dragons and my experience with them has been great. She is settling well although a little shy I think cause she keep on waving at me, at the dogs and at her own reflextion. That sure is adorable though i love her wave. She lives to come out of her tank, she will often climb on my hand and keep going on my arm to come out. A baby is MUCH more work and money than an adult that's for sure! But I love her just as much she's a sweety.

Here is Heidi
View attachment 18567

Here is Heidi enjoying her new fav basking spot. lol
View attachment 18568

Welcome!!! Adorable dragons you have!!

Leanne Rager

Bearded Dragon Egg
They do go through some relocation stress. Even after seeming to be fine at first, the reality of not leaving this new place sinks in and they get a little cautious. Keep trying to feed him. Try not to handle him too much and let him get used to his new home. You could try putting the crickets in a glass bowl and see if he will eat them out of there for the time being. What light are you turning on for the evening? They shouldn't have any light at night because it disrupts their sleep cycle. The only thing that you need to turn on at night is a CHE and that is only if the tank drops below 65 degrees.

Thank you, I feel a bit better now. Yesterday he did eat a total of 6 crickets. He’s eaten 2 this morning and then was just ready to bask so I’m saving the others for later. He’s just about as long as my index finger minus the tail so I’m guessing he’s pretty young.


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Bearded Dragon Egg
Thank you, I feel a bit better now. Yesterday he did eat a total of 6 crickets. He’s eaten 2 this morning and then was just ready to bask so I’m saving the others for later. He’s just about as long as my index finger minus the tail so I’m guessing he’s pretty young.

Hi there,

Have you try using a feeding tongs/tweezer?

My adult rescued is not much of a hunter but he will eat every crickets I hand feed him.

My baby dragon hunt crickets well but I have to hand feed her greens or she won't touch it.

I hope that will help you.


Hatchling Dragon
Hi my name is Britney. I recently brought home Lily in August, well I think shes a lily lol. Looking to make some new friends.

Leonard and orian

Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi my name is jen and we have two beautiful boy dragons. Leonard is a year and half and orian who is 10 months . thanks for letting me join . we love our little babes a ton and want them to live their best lives. . leonard is a very lazy boy and orian is very active.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi I'm Trisha and I'm new bearded dragon nana as my 13 yr old is the mom. My son and I got Toothless for her 13th birthday. He is amazing and we all love him. I believe he is only 3 or 4 months. We did buy him/her from Petco. He has an Exp Tera 37x18x12 two hammocks, chiea lounge, half log hide. Blankets he is such a blanket hog. If I don't put one of his/her many blankets on his hammocks or lounge. He won't go on it. He/she loves to bask on the highest part of the top hammock. I have heat/basking light and the UV light. I do plan to get the UV light fixture that is made for the terrarium. He/she was a very healthy eater but has slowed down some. Drinks water at bath time and then takes a nice poop after. I have calcium and vitamins. When I come home for lunch he/she loves to just sit on my shoulder. Then when my daughter comes home she plays and reads or they watch a movie. He always goes to the pet store yo get his crickets. Every one just loves saying hi and how great he/she looks. So I just want to make sure everything is right for Toothless. I think I will feel better when I get the better UV light.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi I'm new hear i have two bearded dragon my boy is 1 year and my girl is about 6 month the boy is on the papers and my girl is on the chair


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi, I'm a new member here. I have a very healthy male dragon, he is ace. My concern is with a female I've just been given as the previous owners felt they didn't have time, that she slept too much and didn't eat. Her set up is strange compared to mine. Her viv is 4ft so plenty big enough. She has a strip light, a basking lamp and a ceramic heat bulb. The temperature was reading 147°f. I've turned all off for now to allow temperature to drop. She's skinny, frail and limped a little. Best advice needed as she maybe dehydrated and needs to build up her eating carefully. I think she's about 4.
Thanks in advance.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hello everyone!! I have two bearded dragons, one is 8 months and the other is 6 months old. Both I believe are males, and a re very healthy! I am currently in the process of converting both of their terrariums to bioactive, so I decided to join this site after finding a very useful post about the bioactive setup by Jarich.


Juvenile Dragon
hello i'm new to the forum but I thought I would share a little about my beardies.
Spike was a rescue his previous owner over dosed him with calcium and improper diet so he had gout when we brought home and while he was parasite free he was prone to bacterial infections. sadly he passed away on Thursday night due to a bacterial infection he couldn't fight off. this is a photo of spike on better days.

This is my curvy ,spunky girl Stryker she is 5 yrs old and loves to snuggle.

by the way she hates red bell peppers and spits them at me.

Eddie G

Bearded Dragon Egg
Hello and welcome to BeardedDragonForum.com! We strive to provide a free and family-friendly place for the discussion of all things related to bearded dragon care. Please take a minute to tell use about yourself and your pets or your interest in a new pet. I think you will find our community both helpful and friendly!


I would like to know if a Bearded Dragon is safe for a person who is on anti reject drugs. I had a kidney transplant a year ago.


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I would like to know if a Bearded Dragon is safe for a person who is on anti reject drugs. I had a kidney transplant a year ago.

Bearded dragons really can't transmit anything to us and vice versa. I think the only thing to be careful of is the poop. Wear gloves when you clean it up and don't touch anything with poop on your hands.


Juvenile Dragon
With any reptile, there's always the warning about salmonella. That being said, I think beardies would be amongst the least likely to cause an issue. The simple fact that they live in such hot, dry conditions decreases the likelihood of any salmonella causing problems. Like Patsy said, if you practice good hygiene when dealing with the poop, I think a beardie could be kept safely. I would definitely stay away from aquatic turtles or any reptile that likes high humidity.


Juvenile Dragon
Often, you can find the info you need if you do a quick search on the forums. If you don't find an answer that fits your situation, go to the "health" section. At the bottom of the page is a post new thread button.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hello everyone!
My name is Chio and I have a 1 1/2 yr old beardie, Benny.
When I first got 'him' he was so tiny, a few weeks or month. He went to live with my friend for a while.
I got him back about 10 months ago, when he first came to me, he was great! Would eat all the time, poop once or more a week in his cage, lay by his heat lamp all the time, etc...
So about 2 months ago, he started acting funny, just lethargic, BUT only when he's in the cage...I take him out in the sun and he loves to run around...
SOOOO I took him to the vet....who told me She's a she.........first of all. I always thought it was a boy. Doesn't matter, I still love her.
Anyway, vet gave her an enema because she hasn't been pooping or wanting to eat..I get so worried...I have dreams that I'm being a bad person and don't know what to do.
Vet said she just had a uti? LOL.
My concern is...is she brumating (or whatever you call it?)
It's cold now, the weather changed about a month or so ago...She lays in the same spot all day and actually hides from her heat lamp! Am I asking for too much? Some days I just think, she wants to relax alone and I always want to take her out and cuddle, try to make her eat or poop...Please someone help! Anyway... :)


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