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Tail is a different color


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hello all! I was hoping I can get some feedback because my bearded dragons tail is a different color I’m scared that it might be something bad. Has anyone else experienced this?


  • ED02E5D4-B0B2-482F-9D76-D4AD14D315A2.jpeg
    1.6 MB · Views: 25


Bearded Dragon Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
hello! it definitely looks like tail rot. it’s very seriously and needs to be treated. you can soak his tail in a betadine/water solution. 3 parts water 1 part betadine. it should be tea color. soak only your dragons tail, no his whole body about an inch above where the discoloring starts. soak for 5 minutes and GENTLY dry your dry your dragons tail after. its already very fragile. you can do this up to three times a day for up to a week. after apply neosporin but not the kind that provides pain relief.

your best bet is to take him to a vet, but if that’s not possible follow what i wrote above asap. it’s also important to figure out why he got tail rot. whether from trauma to the tail, insufficient calcium, or improper UVB lighting. figuring this out will not only help it heal but also prevent it from happening again. i hope this helped. keep us updated!