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Stinky Dragon!

Chad and Grayson

Bearded Dragon Egg
My beardie is about 6 months old and I've had him about 2 months. This past week his room got pretty smelly but I had also neglected his enclosure just a tad - couple piles of poop and hadn't washed his carpet for about 10 days. I usually wash it once a week and pick up the poop as soon as it's dried out a bit. So yesterday I bought a new carpet and washed all the glass with a natural enzyme containing pet space cleaner.

All was good until he pooped. It was awful. But I got that pile out after a couple of hours. Today I come home and the entire house stinks. There is only one pile of poop in there that looks several hours old.

He didn't used to stink so bad. If it continues I don't know if I want to keep him.

Any suggestions?

One thing is that I got him green horned worms to eat. I'll discontinue that and see if it helps. Any other diet suggestions? Could it be the cabbage? Tho he doesn't seem to eat that much. He did have a small piece of banana this morning.

Also, I read the long thread on bio active soil and I like that idea. Does anyone have any knowledge of the smell when you do this properly? Seems it would help the poop smell but would your room smell like dirt?

I really want to keep Captain but not if he stinks up the whole house everyday.

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Alisha RIos

Bearded Dragon Egg
Have you have him a bath ? I dont know how bad the stench is but when I start smelling my beardie I give him baths . It helps. My beardie seems to be happy afterwards and it helps the stench . Worth a try

Chad and Grayson

Bearded Dragon Egg
I've only bathed him a few times but it's his poop that's the problem. Of course that's going to stink, it's just been worse lately.

Let me be more specific in my questions...

Has anyone noticed that hornworms or any other specific food make the poop stink worse?

Second, are there certain surfaces that help with controlling odor, i.e. Carpet vs tile vs bioactive soil?

Lastly any cleaning products or sprays that anyone recommend for odor?

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Juvenile Dragon
south Texas
I've only bathed him a few times but it's his poop that's the problem. Of course that's going to stink, it's just been worse lately.

Let me be more specific in my questions...

Has anyone noticed that hornworms or any other specific food make the poop stink worse?

Second, are there certain surfaces that help with controlling odor, i.e. Carpet vs tile vs bioactive soil?

Lastly any cleaning products or sprays that anyone recommend for odor?

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Mine poops more often and it is more watery and stinky when fed hornworms.

Also, super stinky poo can be a sign of parasites - mine had horribly stinky loose stool and turns out he had pinworms.

The cleaning product I use is zoomed wipeout, which eliminates the odor after the area is picked up and cleaned. I use nonadhesive shelf liner with no substrate so it's easy to wipe out.

I have bioactive substrate in two other tanks, and it does have a distinct smell. I think it's pleasant, an earthy soil smell. But if you are looking for completely odorless that would not be the choice for you.


Super Moderator
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Beardie Club
Stinky poop is def a sign of parasites. My girl had the worst smelling poop. She could clear the house with the stench. I had a fecal done and she was loaded with pinworms. After we treated her, no more stinky poops.

I would put your dragon on something that is easier to clean like tile or non adhesive shelf liner, something that won't absorb the poop and is easy to wipe clean.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
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1,000+ Post Club
For sure using a solid surface substrate like tile, shelf liner and wiping it up as soon as it happens or when you see it.. And for sure get a fecal done to rule out parasites that can for sure make it smelly... Basically allowing it to dry up before picking it up is just baking it making it worse....