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Reptile Carpet or Calcium sand


Bearded Dragon Egg
Let me explain first. I have a 55 gallon long tank(fish tank style). My beardie is 5 months old(about 11 inches long). Would anyone recommend calcium sand or is everyone getting away from that too? Right now we use bark chips (I know now that is a bad idea getting ready to change that). Should I just use the carpeting or will tiles still be cheaper and better?

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Hatchling Dragon
I would stick to repticarpet the benefits not just impaction just easier to keep a proper clean enviorment overall . replacing the carpet is a lot cheaper than the substrate. Plus impaction is no joke. They have the brown repticarpet that looks more desert like so you would probably like that better. Get them in two packs. I also have a mini vac to clean the carpet and other debris every morning. To many positives with carpet. Really just for looks with the substrate but wet poops and food will leave behinds bacteria. Make it easier on yourself and a healthier enviorment overall for your dragon. Maybe someone else can chime in I've done so much research in the past two months my head hurts. I'm a newbie that has been doing non-stop research from more than one source. That is how you learn quick. Hope that helps you out. Some kits give you the substrate but don't use it. I know it's tempting but, think about everything above. Gl

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Hatchling Dragon

Here's my setup. Easy to keep clean.

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Calci sand is the worst to use. Repticarpets that can be changed out and cleaned are good so is slate tile.


Hatchling Dragon
I don't even know why they give it in those half ass kits at the pet store. The bearded dragon kit should be recalled "make your bearded dragon as unhappy as possible kit till it has a slow death at a very early age".

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Hatchling Dragon
Those kits are just enough to sustain a bearded dragon but we want them to thrive.

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Bearded Dragon Egg
Thanks for all that info... I should have just started on the forums in the beginning

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Hatchling Dragon
Yeah well at least your learning. Start reserching basking temps and different lighting types. I've wasted a lot of money on half was equipment when I could of bought the good stuff off the but and in the long run, actually save money. Look into t5 lighting as well.

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Hatchling Dragon
Like I said. I'm 2 months in but I research everything just to make sure we have happy thriving healthy dragons. Suck all the info you can in.

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Wingless Elliot

Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi, I use calcium sand, my Elliott likes to dig and cover his poo. I was thinking about putting carpet around his pond to keep the sand out of it better.


Juvenile Dragon
Paper towels or the liner people use for cabinets

I know people want the "look", but I've found these to be the best


Bearded Dragon Veteran
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1,000+ Post Club
Hi, I use calcium sand, my Elliott likes to dig and cover his poo. I was thinking about putting carpet around his pond to keep the sand out of it better.
I would advise you to change from the calcium sand to something that can't be eaten..Just soo many reason's it's adding too much calcium into their bodies as they will lick it..It can build up in their GI track and can lead to impaction. Even when you clean up his poop/urates you won't be able to get it all and that allows for bacteria build up, odor, they can get particles in their eyes/nose causing irritation..
Just giving reasons against for all reading..
Ceramic tiles, slate, shelf liner, paper towels, repticarpet, are all better/safer ideas.