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more pics of my babies, can anybody tell me what kind of dragons they are


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Alberta, Canada
here is my first attempt at building a platform. I didn't want to have to buy anything, so it was all stuff i had around the house. my main priorities were that it was sturdy and washable.
DSC_0032 (Small).JPG


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
the best thing you could do for your dragons is to seperate them. They do best alone, i know some people say they like to be with each other but if you think it out they just compete for food, basking spots, stress each other out, spread parasites...if one has them the others most likly do. You could keep the male in that tank(alone) and see if he gains some weight. he is a bit underweight. Now you have two options. make 2 four foot by 2 foot by 2 foot cages for the girls or keep them in one tank if space, finances is in question.(out of any combination of the sexes all females is best as breeding is not on their minds and a male in the tank will constantly strees them out. I dont care if they seem cool with each other, once they hit sexual maturity they WILL want to mate(which can be very stressful). If you do combined the females a 5 foot or 6 foort long cage would be a really good idea. the more space the better. You should really seperate them as soon as possible.

Just helping, not lecturing...sorry if it comes off sounding like that. i mean for the best.


Hatchling Dragon
3 Year Member
Detroit, Mi
thanks but they are doing well in the tank hes picked up weight i have to post the new pics soon.