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lost a dragon

oniel lyne

Hatchling Dragon
My dragon charizard died today. She got out of her tank and was found crushed by my sliding glass doors. I am deeply saddened because i really love my animals. I failed an animal and it really makes me upset. I encourage people to pay attention to detail when housing your baby dragons. I feel really really crappy. R.i.p beautiful baby girl


Bearded Dragon Egg
What a terrible thing to have to deal with! We had a close one and that was hard enough to deal with. So sorry for your loss! Accidents happen too easily with these tiny guys. Hugs! And please done beat yourself up!

oniel lyne

Hatchling Dragon
Thanks everyone. Its just broke my heart to see that she died in such a way. Ive learned a bit more now about beardies. I do not really like looking at the empty tank either. But in a few days ill probably get another beardie.


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Beardie Club
I bet, it's got to be hard looking at the tank. You still have your little boy though so that's a little comforting. We've all made stupid mistakes when it comes to our beardies. I once smashed Dexter with all my weight while getting up off the floor once. She was fine but it made me more aware of my surroundings. I almost put a bell around her neck so I could find her at all times. At risk of sounding cold, when they get sick/injured/die, it's all a learning experience. There is so much we don't know about these little guys their whole lives are learning experiences to us.

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