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In need of advise.


Bearded Dragon Egg
hello everyone, I have a baby beardie (first time owner) and I am needing some advice. I got "him" (don't really know sex yet) a little over a week ago... before I got him I made sure everything cage wise was set up a couple days prior 105-107 hot spot 70-75 cool end. he is on that shredded walnut bedding he has 3 hides one water dish and a t8 uvb 5.0 that goes across the whole 20L tank and some branches to climb on so he can get closer to the heat if he needs to but he cant get to a spot that is hotter than 107. the first 2 days I got him I didn't bother him at all thinking it would be best so he could get settled in his new home... then the 3rd day I feed him calcium dusted crickets he ate about 3 pin heads (I am not feeding him inside his enclosure). the 4th and 5th day he would not eat but I did notice he was shedding so I just waited and the 6th day he was hungry he ate 4 pinheads (its funny because I put the critter keeper with the crickets inside up to his tank and he will come up to the front of the tank when he is hungry if he is not hungry he will close his eyes and look away) he ate another 3 the next day...now he wont eat its been 4 almost 5 days since he has eaten and its got me worried.. he poops regularly and it looks fine he still has some shed pieces on his lower back right before his tail. I went out yesterday to get some small mealworms and he doesn't even want those. I don't really know what to do. when I got him I had the option of getting a bigger beardie that was already established and eating but I really wanted a baby so it could grow with me (if that makes sense) I don't really know if getting a baby should be left to the more experienced owners or not due to getting them started. so I could (if I absolutely need to) go back and get the bigger one and start from their to gain experience but I would really love to be able to keep this little guy.... sorry it is so long winded just really worried im used to snakes not lizards haha but anyways thank you in advance for any advice


Bearded Dragon Veteran
Hey Erebus45, welcome to the bearded dragon forum. I recognize you from the BP forum :) I love my snakes, but bearded dragons hold a special place in my heart.

I'd try giving your little guy a warm soak to help him get the shed off. Shedding seems like a pretty uncomfortable experience, my dragons always get rather cranky when they are in shed (make sure he gets it off his tail tip and toes). Aside from helping him with that, I'd look into a more intense UVB bulb. The 5.0 bulbs are commonly used for turtles and amphibians, but our beardies require UVB that packs a bit more of a punch. A 10.0 would be better. If you're setting it on top of a screen top, I'd go for the T5 HO bulb with an appropriate fixture, as these bulbs can filter better through a screen. Proper UVB might help him perk up and encourage him to start eating more. You could also try other feeders. Many of us here use dubia roaches, which are an excellent feeder for these guys; my dragons find them irresistible.

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I would also get rid of the walnut bedding. Any kind of loose substrate has the risk of causing impaction. Beardies lick everything and it's very easy for him to ingest the substrate. I would get either tile or shelf liner or even repticarpet or plain paper towel.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
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All good advice ^^ and add in just giving him/her time to adjust..

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