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I think I have too much time on my hands sometimes lol


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I was sitting here freezing my butt off in my apartment while staring at Frank's enclosure wondering how the heck he's staying warm in a mesh cage (even though the sides are covered and he has his basking light). I mean if I'm endothermic and I'm freezing I can only imagine how he's feeling since hes exothermic. So I sat here thinking of how I can speed up the process of getting his enclosure solid before the summer months came again. I couldn't think of anything other than building another viv so I felt defeated until I went to take out the recycling (odd I know). I finally got an idea, I could make cardboard, foam, grout inserts for the side walls so I can take them out when I need to clean them or disassemble Frank's enclosure. With that being the case, I can start as soon as I pay my other bills and do a wall each day. and have it done sometime hopefully within the month or middle of the next. *crosses fingers*


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Great idea Candice!!!!!
Be sure to take construction pics!!!! lol


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
lol you know im a picture nut so ill have plenty of those...off topic but frank LOVES our xmas tree...when hes out he likes to climb to the top of it like he's the angel at the top of the tree its pretty funny


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Pssssssst... propane tanks- 5 gallon... and a propane heater... that's what I use... but then I came across 6 of the 8 tanks I have for free ;)