• Hello guest! Are you a Bearded Dragon enthusiast? If so we invite you to join our community and see what it has to offer. Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Beardie enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your dragons and enclosures and have a great time with other Bearded Dragon enthusiasts. Sign up today!

I am Doug (Aka: ROADDAWG)

doug (Roaddawg)

Bearded Dragon Egg
Austin, Texas
good evening everyone. wanted to say that we are a new member. i started raisng Dragons about 4 months ago and now have 5 total. they are so much fun and are a blast to care for. hope to find some other members in the austin tx ares. i am sstill learning and have read several books. i hope to post a pic of the growing family soon

This is Baby Rose. She is listed as a Pastel Hypo. Her marking are hard to see. She looks white (I know she is not) and has pink legs and tail. this is how she got her name. She is the smallest of our 5 dragons and the wife got her for my birthday early lol. she has been with us about 8 days and already she is a clown.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
North America

A few good links you might fine helpful\useful ...

Basic BD Care Sheet - A Place To Start

Bearded Dragon --- Exclusive Care Info Library

Beautiful Dragons Nutrition Chart

Is Bearded Dragon Co-habitation a good plan?

How To Sex A Bearded Dragon


Bearded Dragon Egg
Welcome, Im also from Austin, Texas. Just got my first beardie a few weeks ago from Blood Bank Dragons.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Welcome to the BDF community. So glad you've found us and looking forward to meeting the dragons. Rose looks great and cute.

doug (Roaddawg)

Bearded Dragon Egg
Austin, Texas
sunset rose and copper.jpg we went to zoo keepers today. it is an exotic pet shop. we got the babies a new bracnh to climb on which they really love. we got some information from one of the manager at a local pet shop to try dubias roaches (EWWWW YIKES). so today we tought we would treat the babies. OMG they devoured them. i hand fed them using thongs so that they each got 2. they seemed so happy with the treat. Thank you melissa for your info you are truely a gem. the picture is (L) Sunset, (M) Baby Rose (R) Ms. Copper