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He's a jerk!


Bearded Dragon Egg
So Telgar pooped on monday, I've been giving him warm baths and everything for a few days now hoping it would help but he never poo'd in the bath or after, so today, I bathed him, dried him off and we went to a friend of mine's place who has a ton of 10 gallon tanks so I could borrow one to put him in while I got the sand out of his enclosure, while we were there, hanging out on the back deck letting him get some nice sun rays he starts running back and forth over my shoulders, and then he runs down my chest, sits on my chest and decided that I was his bathroom and pooped...smh...he's a jerk...after that he decided it was time to use me as a junglegym and run all over me including up my head, back down, bite my earlobe.....he's a jerk...a real jerk....lol


Super Moderator
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3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Yeah - my kids taught me real quick : the first time my girl REALLY wanted out of my arms, i hesitated, then thought what the heck - she "sniffed" around a bit (we were outside) then pooed. My boy gets "antsy" when he has to go - squirms and wiggles. I learned to recogize the signs. !


Super Moderator
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Beardie Club
LOL! Dexter gets real antsy when she has to go. She refuses to go in her tank so if ever I see her pacing and staring at me with urgency I always grab her and put her in the tub.


Bearded Dragon Egg
He became an obnoxious asshat after he did it, he wouldn't just be content to chill no he wanted to run up and down my shirt, across my chest, bite my earlobe, then I put him in the 10g just to tote him home so I could get the sand out of his viv and he puffed up and turned black and was headbobbing and just sooooooooooo mad at me lol i was like "well jerkface dont poop on me no more"


Hatchling Dragon
Haha, the first time I let my beardie out of his enclosure he pooed on my desk. The second time he pooed on my carpet. It was because I saw him running around his tank that I thought "He wants to get out and have a little fun in my room." But now I know it is only to take a poo, so I never take him out anymore when he is too active (and it works, because he does nearly only run around right before having a poo) :D