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Hello everyone New to dragons


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi im new to beardies I have just adopted one and think he's pretty cool. He or she is a German red tiger citrus hypo silikie named Maui and is about 6 inches long. Maui is currently in a 10 gal tank till he out grows it and I get and idea as to what I'm going to do for the full size cage.

I have a Brazilian rainbow boa Which I have currently finished his enclosure project after 5 years of understanding the breed. Now it's time for a new family member. Well I look foward to learning much about bearded with you guys and share what I have learned.


Bearded Dragon Egg
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Welcome Mike

He's cutie! Going to outgrow that 10 gallon right quick – I'd be getting a bigger home for him real soon. Don't know too much about silkies but I understand their skin requires more moisture. What's his name


Bearded Dragon Egg
Canicke Thank you and pastyB. His name is Maui and moisture shouldn't be a problem being I live in south florida and night time moisture jumps to 53-56 percent from 35 percent in the day. Is that an okay change in humidity. Heat is 96 in day and drops to 75 at night. All this is in his enclosure and yeah from what I'm reading he will grow fast as a baby.

Crazy Dragon

Bearded Dragon Egg
Hastings, MI
Hi Mike,
I have found that Craigslist.com is a great place to get used tanks fairly inexpensively. If it was used as a fish tank and has a lot of calcium build up on it, before you clean it lay it on one side at a time and pour vinegar on it and let it sit for about 5 min. While your soaking another side scrub the one you just soaked. The calcium should come off fairly easily. I had my two dragons in a 55 gal for quite a while. Within the last year I down sized to a 45 gal. The only difference is that the 45 gal in a couple of inches shorter so it's better range for your uvb lights. Good Luck!!


Bearded Dragon Egg
Awsome thanks crazy dragon. I was thinking of getting a 40 gal just to she some space even though 4 extra gallon space would be nice for him. Unless I find a piece of used furniture I can make something out of it. Which is what I did for my Brazilian rainbow boa

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