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I was hand feeding my bd on the dining table and he kept running towards the edge if he table. My question is this; will he run off the edge and fall to the floor or will his instincts tell him to stop?
If you have a baby it will probably jump off the table. If its an adult it will probably just sit there and stare. Mine took a leap off the bed twice as a baby (he escaped from my boyfriend the first time and landed in a pile of clothes, thankfully) and the second (took a huge leap and having had many critters in my lifetime I am quick with the catch and I caught him mid-air). Kratos is now a juvenile and less jumpy but I still don't trust him by the edge! Their curiosity can easily overpower their depth perception.
Young BDs have almost no fear of heights. There are times that I swear that they think that they can fly. Will jump from high heights, will think nothing of leaping off your shoulder to the floor. They need very attentive supervision when out of the enclosure, to prevent them from injuring themselves from a fall.
To answer your question: NO, his instincts will not stop him & he will very likely jump.
Nope most likely he will build the courage and jump it's dangerous to feed on top of things like tables a clean floor is always a better alternative, trust me I know my plated lizard was forever trying to suicide dive off of things in the end he's just not allowed on things he can't climb up on to or down from safely. At feeding time their minds are on food and nothing else they are not always aware of their surroundings best to be safe than sorry in my humble opinion
Thanks guys for the replies. I was wondering because I have seen plenty of YouTube videos where owners are feeding their dragons on high tables. In one video the dragon falls backwards off the table.
If he does take a fall from a table height, will he necessarily get injured or die? Forgot to ask that before. Thanks again
There are many things shown on YouTube that are not in the best interest of the Dragons. I have had a few of mine, suddenly take a flying leap from my shoulder to the floor, luckily they always landed with the infamous "Beardie Flop" & were unharmed. Should one fall unexpectedly, particularly backwards or somehow get twisted jumping\falling\landing, serious injuries can occur . Always use Caution.
lol...and it's not necessarily just a youngster thing...Mungi is 2 1/2 years old and still occasionally forgets he doesn't have wings so I have to keep a close eye on him when he is out...Luckily I can usually tell now when he is fixing to "test his parachute" cause I can feel or see him building up for it..lol I've also learned how to distract him when he's getting ready which most times makes him forget the flight thoughts altogether!
I also agree with not letting them cliff dive whenever you can avert it. One time when I was a kid I got the idea that I had wings too and jumped off of my parents roof...after the emergency room visit for stitches, the spanking I got for doing it and the two weeks after that I was grounded I sorta realized that trying to fly wasn't really that great an idea after-all and wished somebody woulda been there to stop me too