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handicaped beardie. help?

jynx stephens

Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
i recently rescued a 3 legged female beaded dragon who is also missing 2 toes and about half her tail. she is about 6 or 7 months old based off her size. is there anything specific i should be doing in caring for her at this time or do i just need to spoil her?


Bearded Dragon Veteran
Make sure she is able to get to her food, I would think it is harder for her to climb too so having the cage set up to make it easy for her to get around would be good.

I wouldent spoil her, spoiling is not good in most cases, treat it like u would any other dragon untill you see that it needs more spectial care.

It would seem whoever had it before you had it in a tank with other bearded dragons.


Staff member
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Redlands, CA
Definitely looks like a case of cohabitation.
As ThDude said, keep an eye on her and see where she needs help most. I've heard of people putting crickets in the fridge for a little while to slow them down and make them easier to catch and eat...


Bearded Dragon Veteran
Definitely looks like a case of cohabitation.
As ThDude said, keep an eye on her and see where she needs help most. I've heard of people putting crickets in the fridge for a little while to slow them down and make them easier to catch and eat...
Or even flick them. When my bearded dragon was hurt I would put them in the bag I use to dust them and flick them a few times to stun them, don't kill um though

jynx stephens

Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Poor thing! What's her story?
i got her from a someone who had her in with 2 adults 3X her size. the guy didnt tell me much. he didnt know her age, gender, morph, or anything like that and he wasnt even sure how she lost her limbs. and didnt seem to know a whole lot about beardies in general. if anything my mother said he seemed kinda impaciant to get rid of them. if i had the money i would take the other 2 he has for sale as well. he wants 25 each for the other 2 and only wanted 10 for my female....

jynx stephens

Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
As ThDude said, keep an eye on her and see where she needs help most. I've heard of people putting crickets in the fridge for a little while to slow them down and make them easier to catch and eat...
so far she is a little speed demon and is very skidish. i dont have anything taller than 3 inches in her tank at the moment. but when i hold her, the way she clings to my clothes, you would never know she was missing her leg.
and in addition she is really skinny so i have offered her a few different treats but she wont touch them. she did eat 3 crix though... i have her on reptaid for a couple days to make sure she dosent have anything else going on in her little body


Bearded Dragon Veteran
1,000+ Post Club
i got her from a someone who had her in with 2 adults 3X her size. the guy didnt tell me much. he didnt know her age, gender, morph, or anything like that and he wasnt even sure how she lost her limbs. and didnt seem to know a whole lot about beardies in general. if anything my mother said he seemed kinda impaciant to get rid of them. if i had the money i would take the other 2 he has for sale as well. he wants 25 each for the other 2 and only wanted 10 for my female....
that is so sad to hear! although i'm surprised he's selling them with the condition they're in. I'm glad you were able to take her in, good for you.

jynx stephens

Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
i looked over her really good the last couple of days and dicovered she also has a couple of mites. not sever but she dose have them. any advice on how to get rid of them?


Bearded Dragon Veteran
1,000+ Post Club
A quick trip to the vet? That's what I did when my dragons got them, but I believe they have over the counter stuff at pet stores.

jynx stephens

Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
wow! my friend and i were looking at her beardie and my new one and they look like twins. we asked the guy i got mine from where her got it and it came from a woman in north spokane 2 and a half months ago who's kid wasnt taking care of it. my friend asked her sister who she got her lizard from and she told her that a woman who she gave a lizard to in north spokane got rid of her lizard almost 3 months ago beacuse her kid wasnt taking good care of it..... isnt that kinda cool and freaky at the same time? if they are siblings that means my new beardie (now named trixie) is 2 years old...


Bearded Dragon Veteran
wow! my friend and i were looking at her beardie and my new one and they look like twins. we asked the guy i got mine from where her got it and it came from a woman in north spokane 2 and a half months ago who's kid wasnt taking care of it. my friend asked her sister who she got her lizard from and she told her that a woman who she gave a lizard to in north spokane got rid of her lizard almost 3 months ago beacuse her kid wasnt taking good care of it..... isnt that kinda cool and freaky at the same time? if they are siblings that means my new beardie (now named trixie) is 2 years old...
which also means this friends dragon could have been the one who hurt your dragon. then again maybe not.


Hatchling Dragon
Spokane, WA
wow! my friend and i were looking at her beardie and my new one and they look like twins. we asked the guy i got mine from where her got it and it came from a woman in north spokane 2 and a half months ago who's kid wasnt taking care of it. my friend asked her sister who she got her lizard from and she told her that a woman who she gave a lizard to in north spokane got rid of her lizard almost 3 months ago beacuse her kid wasnt taking good care of it..... isnt that kinda cool and freaky at the same time? if they are siblings that means my new beardie (now named trixie) is 2 years old...

Read more: http://www.beardeddragonforum.com/index.php?threads/handicaped-beardie-help.5757/#ixzz1tvMRxK96

I'm in Spokane too.

jynx stephens

Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
lol i know of at least 4 or 5 different people selling beardies right now of all ages. but all the ones from my friends sister are all about 2 and a half now i think

jynx stephens

Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
by the way we treated trixie for the mites yesterday and she is doing better. and today was her last day taking the reptaid and she is eating way better than she was.