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Dragon doesn't like me


Bearded Dragon Egg
Had a beardie for many years, he was great! He passed, and I got rid of everything. A friends daughter asked me to take her four year old male. Sure. He runs away when I put my hand in to pet, he thrashes when I pick him up. Turns black when anyone comes near the cage... He is eating okay. Dried or fresh crickets, dehydrated veggies or cabbage seems to be his preferred veggies. I tried Kale, carrots, strawberries, apples, peaches...nothing. I put him in the tub once a week... His poop is on schedule. He is in a large tank in our sunroom. My last beardie loved looking out the windows, but maybe this is too much? I have tried just talking and trying to let him sit instead of picking him up. He is on the way to where I let the dogs in, let the dogs out... I've also tried picking him up every day? He just puffs up and tries to get away from me. They say he "is so calm and friendly". Well, it's been three months and I see nothing friendly about him. Any ideas? He did go through a small shed when I first got him. I did change him from the green carpet to tile. So much easier to care for. He does not have a UV light. He gets plenty of natural light. He does have a ceramic heat lamp. How long will it take for him to adjust? He loves to run around, and we have a long hallway, so I shut all the doors and let him roam. I ordered a leash so I can take him outside.
Oh! Another question? I read that they can eat hibiscus? I have a couple plants that are going crazy. Can I give him leaf once in awhile? He did sneak a papyrus leaf that I didn't notice had fallen down. No problems from that. It's not that he is being ignored, or unwanted. He just is anti social. Cranky. Maybe it's a female. Just kidding! Maybe. Thanks!


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You want to go slow when reaching into his tank and don't reach over his head when you pick him up. Talking to him is a good idea. You can also try to pet him and hold him right before he goes to bed, that's usually when their defenses are down.

He really needs an artificial UVB light. Glass blocks out all UVB so he may be getting the sun but he is only getting warmth from the sun. Also, be careful that his tank isn't getting too hot being in the sun room. The glass magnifies heat and he may have too many heat variables which could be making him uncomfortable and crabby. Also make sure he has a hide in his tank so that he can get away from the sun if he wants to.

Diet should really be real vegetables and fruits and live bugs. Freeze dried stuff doesn't really have the nutrients like the real thing. Hibiscus flower petals are a good treat. Some love them, some don't.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Ok. I will have to get another lamp. I have the bulb. I'm trying to figure out how to upload a picture.... Is there any other house plants he would eat? I have a green thumb, but live in Kansas.


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He's a doll! Mine like to look out the window too but they are in a north facing window so the sun doesn't actually shine on them. As far as your UVB light goes, you should really get a tube style bulb and fixture. Coil bulbs have been known to hurt their eyes and compact fluorescent bulbs don't give off enough UVB light.

If you scroll to the bottom of this list you will see safe flowers that you can feed them. It's not best to grow them in the tank with them because it would raise their humidity too much. Plus they would dig in it and trample it. But feeding them the flowers is okay. http://www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutrition.html


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just a couple of thoughts - there might be too much exposure for him. try covering say maybe 2/3 of the tank with black paper or something to block his view. ditto what Patsy said about too much heat from the sun. and a hide. try this: wear a cotton scarf to get your scent on it (no perfume, please) then put it in his tank where he spends some time so he can pick up your smell. I would hold off putting on the leash and taking him outside until you have a bit of a better relationship.


Juvenile Dragon
south Texas
All the above.

How about establishing a routine where you handle him before you feed him? That way he associates you with food. Times when he is calm, give him a treat hornworm or superworm or something. It may take awhile, but once he realized you are his meal ticket he should calm down. Being an older dragon, he may be more 'set in his ways and you'll have to break him down through food training.

I don't know about the climate your in, but collard greens grow like the devil and they are my beardies favorite. Also endive - get some from the grocery store and plant the stem. I've had success with those two, and I have a black thumb!

Good luck, keep us posted!