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Crazy Baby Beardie


Bearded Dragon Egg
So I’ve read tons of posts about baby dragons and how to tame a stressed one. I don’t really know how old mine is, I’ve had him for a month, he’s probably about 6” to 8” long with the tail (he may have doubled in size since I got him) which is amazing because he didn’t eat the first two weeks I had him.
So saying squirmish is an understatement, this guy goes Crazy if I reach in...he Ping Pongs into the glass with tremendous force...much harder than dropping him would be which is why I’m afraid he’s going to hurt himself. I’ve tried to push the issue a few times and force it but then he starts hissing like a crazed lizard. I’ve just sat By the aquarium for hours trying to get him used to me...he pretty much just stares at me and turns black....I’ve seen no signs whatsoever of him chilling out. Has anyone had a baby this intense and how long did it take for him to calm down?


Hatchling Dragon
First of all he's so cute!! Do you have a name for him yet!? I remeber when my was that little now he's 20 inches long! Mine used to always do this! Every time I attempted to get him out he would hiss at me and run. I just gave mine some time to get used to everything although 1 month seems like a pretty long time. Once I had mine for about a month he would let me get him out and you could tell he trusted us. Have you tried hand feeding? That definitely helped mine. When u feed them greens "or try to" use tweezers at first, also with whatever bugs you are giving him. Once he seems to be very comfortable with the tweezers go ahead and try your hands. That definitely helped mine! Eventually he will get used to you dont worry! I thought mine hated me but now he constantly wants to be out and getting attention. And is he glass surfing or just hitting himself on the wall because he's afraid?


Bearded Dragon Egg
First of all he's so cute!! Do you have a name for him yet!? I remeber when my was that little now he's 20 inches long! Mine used to always do this! Every time I attempted to get him out he would hiss at me and run. I just gave mine some time to get used to everything although 1 month seems like a pretty long time. Once I had mine for about a month he would let me get him out and you could tell he trusted us. Have you tried hand feeding? That definitely helped mine. When u feed them greens "or try to" use tweezers at first, also with whatever bugs you are giving him. Once he seems to be very comfortable with the tweezers go ahead and try your hands. That definitely helped mine! Eventually he will get used to you dont worry! I thought mine hated me but now he constantly wants to be out and getting attention. And is he glass surfing or just hitting himself on the wall because he's afraid?
Hey thanks for the response. His name is Krobat...for some reason that’s what my son named him. I have not tried hand feeding him yet...actually I’ve been unsuccessful at getting him to eat greens at all...so far I’ve tried mustard greens, lettuce, turnip greens, kiwi, and strawberry. I haven’t seen him try to eat anything that’s not moving. He loves crickets and he eats Dubia roaches if that’s all I put in there...basically since he didn’t eat the first few weeks I had him so I was thrilled that he started downing crickets so I’ve been giving him all The bugs he can eat...probably about 10 to 15 crickets 3 to 4 times a day. I guess I need to start weening him to other things now that he’s getting some size and appearing healthy. I’ll try feeding with tweezers...was there any fruit or greens that yours particularly liked? Also he doesn’t really glass surf unless he’s trying to scurry away...but when I slowly put my hand in sometimes he runs at full speed away from me into the glass...kindve like a bird flying into a window, that’s why I’m afraid he might hurt himself.


Hatchling Dragon
Hey thanks for the response. His name is Krobat...for some reason that’s what my son named him. I have not tried hand feeding him yet...actually I’ve been unsuccessful at getting him to eat greens at all...so far I’ve tried mustard greens, lettuce, turnip greens, kiwi, and strawberry. I haven’t seen him try to eat anything that’s not moving. He loves crickets and he eats Dubia roaches if that’s all I put in there...basically since he didn’t eat the first few weeks I had him so I was thrilled that he started downing crickets so I’ve been giving him all The bugs he can eat...probably about 10 to 15 crickets 3 to 4 times a day. I guess I need to start weening him to other things now that he’s getting some size and appearing healthy. I’ll try feeding with tweezers...was there any fruit or greens that yours particularly liked? Also he doesn’t really glass surf unless he’s trying to scurry away...but when I slowly put my hand in sometimes he runs at full speed away from me into the glass...kindve like a bird flying into a window, that’s why I’m afraid he might hurt himself.
When mine was young he didn't want to eat greens either. I tried everything but learned that they will eventually accept them just keep trying. Lettuce isn't very good for bearded dragons. I would stick to the mustard greens, turnip greens and collard greens. Also kiwi should be a very rare treat. Mine LOVES blueberries and bell peppers so I would try some of those. For a beardie that young all those crickets are good for them. Just lower the intake the older they get. I'll include a image of a chart that can help you figure out how much to feed him as he gets older. With the whole glass thing. He should be fine just watch out for any weird walking or anything like that.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
1,000+ Post Club
So I’ve read tons of posts about baby dragons and how to tame a stressed one. I don’t really know how old mine is, I’ve had him for a month, he’s probably about 6” to 8” long with the tail (he may have doubled in size since I got him) which is amazing because he didn’t eat the first two weeks I had him.
So saying squirmish is an understatement, this guy goes Crazy if I reach in...he Ping Pongs into the glass with tremendous force...much harder than dropping him would be which is why I’m afraid he’s going to hurt himself. I’ve tried to push the issue a few times and force it but then he starts hissing like a crazed lizard. I’ve just sat By the aquarium for hours trying to get him used to me...he pretty much just stares at me and turns black....I’ve seen no signs whatsoever of him chilling out. Has anyone had a baby this intense and how long did it take for him to calm down?
Hes a cutie, ill go down the list of what it could be #1 please get a background that can fo inside the tank, baby hate seeing their reflections (they think some other dragon is there)) u have a top opening lid? Those arnt great but its okay I have one too, so ill go over how i tamed my baby, do u have multiple hides in his tank? Two is nice but if he has lots of places to hide that will really make him more comfortable, id back off the handling till hes not running away, do you have anything soft in his tank? If not getva dishcloth rub it on your clean body and put it in the hide or spot hes at the most(this will get him situated with ur sent) okay taming him down first start wit just being there talktto him in a low calm voice, once uve done that step two have a feeder dish that bugs cant get out of, just put his food in , he’ll eventually learn your presence means food rather than you want to touch or grab him , once he’s coming to the food bowl then you can start handling, and only hold him inside his tank give him the option to run , never restrict him , for picking him up and being in his tank come from the completely opposite end so he sees you coming, go slow talk to him, avoid “claw hand” unfortunately the tank style me an you have arnt great for babies they dont like u coming at them from above but that’s okay he’ll tame down, when picking up the baby dont come from above come from in front and underneath him , stuck ur finger under his chest and lift him that way ,always support for bearded dragon from their chest to the base of their tails, how old is you child? If you can explain to them that the new baby is scared and needs some time before he can be held that would really help, so you kid doesn’t lose interest in ur new pet have some utube videos picked out of people with their dragons so he has something to look forward with his new buddy :) if u need any clarification don’t hesitate, there are no dumb or silly questions (sorry for the 3 page book)


Bearded Dragon Veteran
1,000+ Post Club
Also, how far is his basking spot from his bulb? It needs to be 8-11 inches, Can we see more pictures of your setup please.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hes a cutie, ill go down the list of what it could be #1 please get a background that can fo inside the tank, baby hate seeing their reflections (they think some other dragon is there)) u have a top opening lid? Those arnt great but its okay I have one too, so ill go over how i tamed my baby, do u have multiple hides in his tank? Two is nice but if he has lots of places to hide that will really make him more comfortable, id back off the handling till hes not running away, do you have anything soft in his tank? If not getva dishcloth rub it on your clean body and put it in the hide or spot hes at the most(this will get him situated with ur sent) okay taming him down first start wit just being there talktto him in a low calm voice, once uve done that step two have a feeder dish that bugs cant get out of, just put his food in , he’ll eventually learn your presence means food rather than you want to touch or grab him , once he’s coming to the food bowl then you can start handling, and only hold him inside his tank give him the option to run , never restrict him , for picking him up and being in his tank come from the completely opposite end so he sees you coming, go slow talk to him, avoid “claw hand” unfortunately the tank style me an you have arnt great for babies they dont like u coming at them from above but that’s okay he’ll tame down, when picking up the baby dont come from above come from in front and underneath him , stuck ur finger under his chest and lift him that way ,always support for bearded dragon from their chest to the base of their tails, how old is you child? If you can explain to them that the new baby is scared and needs some time before he can be held that would really help, so you kid doesn’t lose interest in ur new pet have some utube videos picked out of people with their dragons so he has something to look forward with his new buddy :) if u need any clarification don’t hesitate, there are no dumb or silly questions (sorry for the 3 page book)
As far as hides I have a log that he likes to hide under and then I usually have a turtle shell in there, but he never uses it as a hide, he just likes to get on top of it at times. I took it out the other day because the dam crickets scamper in there and he never seems to care to go after them once they go under the shell. And yes I have a top opening lid...in hind sight not a good idea because it’s hard to not seem like I’m a hawk swooping over him. As far as my kids, I have 4 under 4 haha, but yeah I told them once he’s bigger we’ll be able to hold him, so they come in and look at him from time to time, but I haven’t let them even try to handle him yet.
I will definitely get him a background to cut down the reflection...and I just fed him Dubia roaches out of a jar cap and that worked good, he sat over it and ate it like a dog at a bowl. I will go ahead and put the cloth with my scent in there as well. Thanks for the tips.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
1,000+ Post Club
Thats good ur waiting to let them hold him, if you can try and teach them tank etiquette (no moving fast by the tank, tapping on it, etc.) they might be bouncing all arond the tank while ur at work (im not blameing, just a thought, i dont need to tell you how kids are lol) may we see your full tank setup please? If hes not really hiding and just running hes still in relocation stress mode, take it easy give him time and he’ll be puppy dog tame,


Bearded Dragon Egg
From my own experience, you just leave he alone with enough lighting and vegetables. After 2 or 3 days, you can use the feeding tongs to feed him his favourite insects, like mealworm or crickets which are dusting with calci d3 and vitamin. If he still scare, just retry it in the next day. Only feed him by the tongs, do not touch him or do any other actions. Therefore, he will used to you day by day.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Mini mealworms are okay with the baby. Just feed 1 or 2 mealworms per 1 time to tame him. Besides that, we can give the baby a few vegetables to reduce the risk of impaction. The impaction mostly happens by dehydration.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
1,000+ Post Club
Oh, so how do ya know if they deydrated?
The skin is the indicator that i use, look up pictures of dehydrated bearded dragons (ik its morbid and sad but unfortunately so is the burden of knowledge) i try to give my beardy water every day, just mist the very front of ur beardies lips eventually they’ll lick and that’s ur chance spray water in his mouth, i keep giving water till they turn away, with a baby drip it on top of their snoots


Bearded Dragon Egg
Thats good ur waiting to let them hold him, if you can try and teach them tank etiquette (no moving fast by the tank, tapping on it, etc.) they might be bouncing all arond the tank while ur at work (im not blameing, just a thought, i dont need to tell you how kids are lol) may we see your full tank setup please? If hes not really hiding and just running hes still in relocation stress mode, take it easy give him time and he’ll be puppy dog tame,


Bearded Dragon Egg
So his tank is in a spare bedroom...if anything he’s not seeing enough of people I think. We are home all day with the kids and the spare room is off limits because we don’t want them knocking the cricket pen or roaches over. So he doesn’t get a lot of action other than myself lurking in and feeding...every once in a while a kid will come in with me to look at him but I tell them to be very still and quiet and they do a pretty good job it...he’s definitely not getting a lot kid action up on his glass or anything like that. I just tried putting some bell peppers in there...hopefully he’ll go for those.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
1,000+ Post Club
Yea ur bulbs might need to be looked at uvb really needs to be offered from a bar/tube light, please get rid of any coil lights they cause problems with babies eyes, you bought the bearded dragon kit I presume? With another big green bowl? And some kibble n bits? The bulbs they offer are trash, im happy to hear your kids respect the new guy thats ti be commended of you, if they being as good as you say , you might allow them to go in and look as long as thats okay with what you want , when i got my baby i put her tank in my living room for the first 2 months of her life to get her used to all the noises of my house (mainly loud cooking) if you got the baby from petco they should already be desensitized to kids banging on the glass, idk if ive already mentioned to you about backgrounds? But they really do make a difference, u can put up some white construction paper for now, the main stressers right now are gonna relocation (anywhere from 1 week to a month to become comfortable) ur lights (it’ll only take a day for u to see a difference, if ur bulbs are bad that is) or an in/outside tank stresser.

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