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Bearded dragon acting strange


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Hey guys! My bearded dragon Griffin was acting fine until yesterday could you help me discover what's up? My bearded dragon Griffin was acting fine, until yesterday where I noticed he was a bit lethargic, he only ate 3 crickets. These ones are a bit bigger but nothing he had never eaten. The days before he was eating up to seven in about 10 mins. His posture has changed dramatically as well. He was perked up and aware, now his heads down as low as possible but his eyes still follow me as I move. Everything else on his body looks healthy. Any ideas on what's going on? He's only 2 months onld but I'm already so attached. Should I be worried?


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Bearded Dragon Veteran
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Welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear that your little one isn't feeling well. It doesn't look like he's feeling well :( has he pooped? what was it like? A good rule of thumb is the space between their eyes is what they should be able to eat. Maybe a warm soak (make sure you are watching so he stays safe) just up to his elbows. It can help with hydration and might get things moving if he hasn't pooped.
What are the temps? what is his enclosure like? Temps can play a big part in how they are feeling and the ability to digest/absorb the food. If you have a reptile vet in mind just in case your little one has some parasites.


Super Moderator
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He does look like he isn't feeling well. If you can post a picture of his tank along with describe his lighting and temps we may be able to help you. He looks like he may have eaten too much. From the photo his urate looks nice and white but the I can't tell about the poop itself. Is it smushy, or is it formed in, well, logs?


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Hoppy. I would like to flesh out my answer more but I'm writing from my bed and my phone is not cooperating.

Sadly, the little guy looks like he's not feeling well. Be careful of the size of food you give him. My Beardie was sick twice when she was in her juvenile stage. BOTH were related to not keeping her warm enough. It's extremely important for many of their bodily functions. So please always be aware of that. I'm not saying that it's the issue buy it's something to ALWAYS keep in mind.

The advice, IMO, you have been given do far is excellent but I want to add one important issue


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
I'm sorry, I have to continue later on my PC if all is well.

Not to worry, it's not earth shattering but something I have learned from personal experience with Vets. If she needs to go which I'm not saying he does, it's good info for you ; ) .


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Hoppy. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get to my computer yesterday.

How is the little guy doing today?


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
IMO, if you have yet to bring him to a veterinarian, maybe now is a good time to go.

You can establish a relationship with the vet. As well as the veterinarian getting to know your Beardie.

If he still looks like he does in the picture, it's probably a good time to call and tell them of his situation.

But PLEASE make sure you deal with a veterinarian that deals with exotic animals including Bearded Dragons.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Good luck and remember YOU take care of him so if you feel he isn't himself, please make sure you relate this to the Doctor and ask for X-Rays if needed.

I went through this many times and each time I had to bring her back a week later to be X-RAYED which found the problem and was easily fixed thank G-D. Looking forward to hearing good news!


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Hello! I just woke up this morning and found a poop! But it looks a little soft... :| he hasn't really been eating much still but I found him taking a few licks of water from his bowl and he ran around his cage for a few seconds after. He's still a bit low to the ground though, I'll post an updated picture below. I went on another bearded dragon sight and learned I need a new heating lamp... And UBV, I plan on going out soon to get those things. If they don't help I'm gonna have to drive a ways to get to a reptile vet, I'll have to google a bit to see if there is even one around where I live. Thank you all!


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Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
I just wrote a long response and my phone erased it.

Bottom line. PLEASE gather as much information (books, videos, questions at the pet store to owners of dragons or multiple dragons) to save yourself stress, aggravation, or Heaven forbid sadness.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Okie doke! I'm super worried about him so I don't plan on allowing this activity to go on much longer. The only issue is the closest vet to me is an hour away, and my mom doesn't want to take him anyway. -_-' I'm going to do everything I can though to get him better by forcing her to take me Petco because it's only about 3 minutes away and get him a new heating lamp.


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
First off you meet the PERFECT standard for wanting a Bearded Dragon as your pet and friend and something that can bring you much happiness. You care about him greatly.

So right off the bat, he's in good hands.

If it's okay, can you tell me your age please?


Bearded Dragon Veteran
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3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Hello! I just woke up this morning and found a poop! But it looks a little soft... :| he hasn't really been eating much still but I found him taking a few licks of water from his bowl and he ran around his cage for a few seconds after. He's still a bit low to the ground though, I'll post an updated picture below. I went on another bearded dragon sight and learned I need a new heating lamp... And UBV, I plan on going out soon to get those things. If they don't help I'm gonna have to drive a ways to get to a reptile vet, I'll have to google a bit to see if there is even one around where I live. Thank you all!

Sorry to hear that your little one isn't much better... In the earlier post we asked what lighting and temps your enclosure were :( If we knew you didn't have the appropriate UVB lighting, a basking bulb (for reptiles) and a cooler side of the enclosure we would have advised you on what you needed..
Proper lighting is needed for digestion, vit absorption and overall health. The basking spot for a baby thru juv should be up to 115F, the UVB should keep the temps 80-95F and the cool side can be no lower than 65F 70'sF
I hope this has helped in some way..
Please get the lighting soon if your able..


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
This is for everyone. Before I had problems with my health, I was in a medical practice with my father (O.B.M.) who sadly passed away in 2012. My father opened the practice in 1950 and he was still working at the age of 82. I miss him dearly.

We treated EVERYONE like family. I guess there is no reason to elaborate but when I had to close my doors, both my nurse as well as the office manager told me that there were patients who were actually crying when they heard I had to retire. Some, initially, refused to go to another Doctor while others, I have found out from my mother, have tried three different offices and are still not happy and believe it or not, I have patients who actually (unbelievably so) have not gone anywhere which IMO is completely ridiculous.

Is that to say I was a good doctor or that my abilities were good? That's not for me to decide, that's up to the patient. The responses the patients had when they heard I had to retire as well as their actions afterwards IMO, were maybe not so much for my abilities but was a testament to the fact that I cared deeply for each and everyone of my patients as did my father. And that is the way I feel about people in general (this ties in also with what I have to say at the end).

So in your case Hoppy, I'm sure it is obvious to everyone, that you are a caring individual from what I am reading. I realize I use the word "caring" often but it's the best description I can come up with and as you will see, I do not use it loosely.

I do not give out accolades unless I feel they are deserved. After three cancer surgeries and a year of uninterrupted chemotherapy, I came away with a few things. One of them is the inability to pay someone a compliment when it is not sincere. If I say something to someone or do something for someone, it comes from the heart. It may sound corny or silly to some people when I say these things but I make no apologies for them. I am who I am.

I'm sure I have mentioned this once, possibly more than once, but sadly I have problems with my memory at times due to the chemotherapy as well as the medications I am taking.

In fact I will do everyone here a favor by writing this down today (so as not to repeat myself again) that I have already opened myself up to the Bearded Dragon community as far as this part of my life is concerned!

Eight years of schooling for such a brilliant idea right :rolleyes: :confused: !


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
First off you meet the PERFECT standard for wanting a Bearded Dragon as your pet and friend and something that can bring you much happiness. You care about him greatly.

So right off the bat, he's in good hands.

If it's okay, can you tell me your age please?
Of course, I'm 15. :) Thanks so much for all of the kind words!


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Sorry to hear that your little one isn't much better... In the earlier post we asked what lighting and temps your enclosure were :( If we knew you didn't have the appropriate UVB lighting, a basking bulb (for reptiles) and a cooler side of the enclosure we would have advised you on what you needed..
Proper lighting is needed for digestion, vit absorption and overall health. The basking spot for a baby thru juv should be up to 115F, the UVB should keep the temps 80-95F and the cool side can be no lower than 65F 70'sF
I hope this has helped in some way..
Please get the lighting soon if your able..

Oops. I just recently went to petco, and got a new heating bulb from a different brand. I was not at all impressed with Exo-Terra. I just plugged my new 100w Zoo Med one in and am waiting for it to heat up. In addition I have ordered a new UVB strip (? Not sure if that's what they are called) light bulb that will be here on the 24th, the prices at petco are crazy and seeing I don't have a job I had to go for a more reasonable priced one off of Amazon that will arrive in a few days, it had very nice reviews. I plan on going to petco and buying the fixture afterwards so I can make sure I get the right size. I am still using my coil UVB as of right now until that one arrives. I have one more question, do you know any tips on getting him to eat? I've put a cricket in his cage, allowed it to run around, he wasn't interested and had to pick it out ten minutes later. I have dropped some water on his nose for him to lick off every once in awhile as well. Currently just trying to keep him comfortable and I check on him every 20 minutes or so to make sure nothing crazy has happens


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
I just realized I forgot to mention I may have wacked up his usual schedual as well, I dont know if that has anything to do with it though. So i'm still in school, I usually get up at 6:30 for school, turn his light on and then go to school. With winterbreak I have been getting up around 10am and then turning his lights on. The timing kind of makes sense but i'm not sure if that could be contributing to the issue. Just thought I should mention it, I have no issue getting up at 6:30 7 ish if it means he's going to make some form of improvement. :p


Bearded Dragon Veteran
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Glad to hear that you've gotten lighting addressed.. He may just be adjusting to his environment, it can take a little while for him to settle down and feel comfortable.. And considering that he may not feel well that will also play a part in his lack of interest.. Size of the cricket may also play a part make sure it is the size between his eyes. Maybe he's going to be picky in what he eats? Maybe offering some variety of proteins.. Crickets, superworms, butter worms, wax worms, hornworms, black soilder flies, silk worms, Dubia roaches. Dubia roaches are great feeders!! 1 = 5 crickets in nutrition!


Bearded Dragon Veteran
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I just realized I forgot to mention I may have wacked up his usual schedual as well, I dont know if that has anything to do with it though. So i'm still in school, I usually get up at 6:30 for school, turn his light on and then go to school. With winterbreak I have been getting up around 10am and then turning his lights on. The timing kind of makes sense but i'm not sure if that could be contributing to the issue. Just thought I should mention it, I have no issue getting up at 6:30 7 ish if it means he's going to make some form of improvement. :p
buy yourself a timer :) then all you gotta do is set the time for them to come on and the time for them to go off. Yes that will play a part as they need to warm up before they will eat, and they should eat a couple of hours prior to them going down to sleep for the night.. make sure you take the crickets out of the enclosure at night as they are nocturnal and can bite your little one in his sleep.