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Anyone knows if this is healthy/colors or stress?


Bearded Dragon Egg
Just want to know if it's a black stress colour or if it's his naruto colour coming through. Thanks.


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Bearded Dragon Veteran
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Welcome to the forum! Looks normal to me.. fill us in on your set up pictures are helpful..


Bearded Dragon Egg
Thank you for the welcome. Here is a picture and info.
25w uvb light on left and heat lamp on the right. Dimensions are 1.2m long, 60cm tall and 40 deep. He is under the right log at the time of this picture.
I was just asking because he seems to not like defecating in his box and doesn't particularly like being held (only had him for a week), only eats crickets, not superworms or dubia roaches.and I've read that the only real sign of stress is when the beard becomes black or dark.


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What are his temperatures in his basking spot and the cool side of the tank and what kind of UVB bulb is that? Usually UVB bulbs are long tube style or compact or coils (which aren't recommended).


Bearded Dragon Veteran
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Thank you for the welcome. Here is a picture and info.
25w uvb light on left and heat lamp on the right. Dimensions are 1.2m long, 60cm tall and 40 deep. He is under the right log at the time of this picture.
I was just asking because he seems to not like defecating in his box and doesn't particularly like being held (only had him for a week), only eats crickets, not superworms or dubia roaches.and I've read that the only real sign of stress is when the beard becomes black or dark.

Thank you for the picture.. there are some things I would suggest changing.. First I would remove that substrate as it can be eaten and can cause impactions, I would put contact paper down, tiles, paper towel nothing that can be eaten... I know people say sand, crushed walnut shells can be used but it really shouldn't. Under really careful circumstances with adults some are ok on it.
The lighting needs some tweaking, but making sure that the bulbs are directly above them shining down and not from the side is really important as Dragons have ridges above their eyes to protect them from damaging rays, so when the lights are at an angle or on the side it can burn their eyes.

My Izzy won't poop in her tank she would rather hold out until her bathtime :) so she gets a daily warm bath :) works for me makes for clean up very easy :)


Hatchling Dragon
My beardie is generally a sandy and grey/brown colour and when he is happy he becomes much lighter and yellower. When he's cross he turns his beard black (or just darker than usual) so yes a black beard may indicate stress although some beardies have naturally black beards. In the photo it looks fine - the black colour you see underneath can be shown more if your dragon is angry but he/she looks happy in the photo.


Bearded Dragon Egg
What are his temperatures in his basking spot and the cool side of the tank and what kind of UVB bulb is that? Usually UVB bulbs are long tube style or compact or coils (which aren't recommended).
The basking area is 40°C but he never sits on the bricks to warm up, he rather sit on the brah next to the heat light. The UVB light is a compact but it's positioned to cover the whole tank, if he doesn't want to sit outside he sits in under the bark.


Bearded Dragon Egg
My beardie is generally a sandy and grey/brown colour and when he is happy he becomes much lighter and yellower. When he's cross he turns his beard black (or just darker than usual) so yes a black beard may indicate stress although some beardies have naturally black beards. In the photo it looks fine - the black colour you see underneath can be shown more if your dragon is angry but he/she looks happy in the photo.
Yeah there are darker dragons but he had this colour from last Sunday (When I bought him) so Im suspecting he has this colour naturaly. Thanks for the reply though.


Bearded Dragon Egg
Thank you for the picture.. there are some things I would suggest changing.. First I would remove that substrate as it can be eaten and can cause impactions, I would put contact paper down, tiles, paper towel nothing that can be eaten... I know people say sand, crushed walnut shells can be used but it really shouldn't. Under really careful circumstances with adults some are ok on it.
The lighting needs some tweaking, but making sure that the bulbs are directly above them shining down and not from the side is really important as Dragons have ridges above their eyes to protect them from damaging rays, so when the lights are at an angle or on the side it can burn their eyes.

My Izzy won't poop in her tank she would rather hold out until her bathtime :) so she gets a daily warm bath :) works for me makes for clean up very easy :)
A couple of things that I can back up my choices for in the tank (not saying they are wrong but they have told by pet shop employees with personal experience).
1. The substrate is just wood shavings that a guy from Pet barn recommend because he uses it, I might take it out and put news paper in if it won't cause him to eat it.
2. The UVB bulb is facing sideways but if you think about it doesn't the sun just cover the whole area anyway, but I will angle it straight down.
3. Tastu hates baths for some reason, watched videos and everything explain what to do with him while bathing, he inflates and scrambles for the sides so I think that's a sign of high stress :/
But I will change things around since you guys have alot more experience with keeping.
Thanks ^-^


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Everyone has their views on housing and substrate just putting it out there as a suggestion, from lots of research, experience from many others here with dragons. Just keep Tastu nice and hydrated and keep in mind that he will ingest it as they do "taste" lick their environment all the time that's how they know where they are etc. The way I see it is why risk it if you can prevent it? Not every Dragon will get impactions from their substrate and those are the lucky ones...
The bulb does need to be from above or it will burn his eyes, in nature he would be much farther away from the sun but in captivity the distance between his eyes and the bulb is VERY close...
Some dragons don't like baths mine didn't at first when she was a baby she blew up like a balloon but now she knows that she can swim and she no longer puffs up... She also will climb at the sink walls but she shows zero signs of stress, sometimes she likes a long bath sometimes just long enough to do her business then she wants out. Her behavior changes when she's had enough. Your little one may just need some time learning that he's not gonna get hurt as your there, maybe reduce how much water is in there like just to his elbows and increase amount as he shows confidence. In my experience that's how I started just up to her "wrists", then up to her elbows, then mid chest and now she prefers to be floating/swimming and since she's just about a year old she gets bathed in the kitchen sink it has a slope so 1 end is shallower then the other she will move around to where she wants. It took a couple months for her to enjoy them.
But some just don't like baths, just keep in mind that when he brumates you will have to put him in soaks to re hydrate him so getting him accustomed to it sooner rather than later when he's asleep or near asleep is better..

We all want what is best for our critters there is alot of good info out there and there is alot of bad info out there it's up to you to sift thru it and decide what is best for Tastu.. We are all here for ya


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Hatchling Dragon
My Izzy won't poop in her tank she would rather hold out until her bathtime :) so she gets a daily warm bath :) works for me makes for clean up very easy :)

Psssssh I wish.....Yoshi likes to get right under his basking light and go......its already pretty foul....the heat just turns it into beardie potpourri smh


Hatchling Dragon
My beardie is generally a sandy and grey/brown colour and when he is happy he becomes much lighter and yellower. When he's cross he turns his beard black (or just darker than usual) so yes a black beard may indicate stress although some beardies have naturally black beards. In the photo it looks fine - the black colour you see underneath can be shown more if your dragon is angry but he/she looks happy in the photo.
I'll try to get a pic in a minute.....yoshi's head is shedding he's currently his general brownish green....but his head is bright yellowish green


Hatchling Dragon


these are his normal/average colors its 32 degrees here were making a run to the bug shop jus wanted to get him to darken up a little so u can see the difference I'll take him inside n hell turn almost neon n the darkness on his belly will go away


Hatchling Dragon
He doesn't look stressed to me although I only have experience with my own beardie. He looks pretty happy to me in the photos although I don't know whether the green head means anything. Sorry I can't be of more help.


Hatchling Dragon
He doesn't look stressed to me although I only have experience with my own beardie. He looks pretty happy to me in the photos although I don't know whether the green head means anything. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Yoshi's head matches the rest of him his head is just way brighter right now because its shedding


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OMG poor baby in shed! Give him lots of baths and rub him with a soft toothbrush. You can also put a little aloe in the bath, either from a plant or you can buy a jug of it at the store.