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A bear has moved in next door!!!


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Thank goodness I am moving next week. For the past 2 weeks I have been hearing BIG branches breaking and leaves crunching. I can not seen it but my dogs have and it scared them and they pulled me up the stairs to get back in the house. I thought it was time to call about this LOUD noise in the woods next to my house. Fish and Wildlife said it was most likely a bear. She asked me to go look for foot prints and I found something that looks like it could be but not too sure b/c it is not a good print. Did some looking on the web and found that there is a bear that is here on the island and they do not want to move it b/c this is it natural habitat. It has been moved already from another county and found its way here last year.

Advise from Fish and Wildlife. Don't go outside at night. If I do go out bring a spray bottle with ammonia in it. Don't leave lights on and don't use a radio outside. Thank you so much Fish and Wildlife for letting a 300 pound black bear live next door to me in a very developed area. There are more houses then vacant land on the part of the island where I live. I wish no harm on the bear and that is why I called. I want them to move it before it does something that makes them shoot it not to mention I want to walk my dogs before bed without having to worry about a bear coming out of the woods.

I just think it is time to move out of Florida. Gators, Bobcats, Bears, venomous snakes and spiders all on and island that is only 27 square miles...too much for me to handle...I am scared of all that stuff.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
Ummm, your area sounds like mine. My son lives on a farm outside of town and had cougar issues. One even tried to corner my daughter in law and my son had to scare it. The dumb thing killed 4 goats and 6 chickens of theirs. It only killed them and not ate any of the meat. County wouldn't let my son shoot it nor would they send someone to get it. It ended up killing a very beautiful horse and the owner shot it and buried it. Now, if the county would have caught it or at least trapped it and moved it further out of town. Nope.. Be careful.

BTW, we have lots of houses for sale where I live but no jobs.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
We love living here. This is one of the few places where wildlife and people can live together with no problems. No person nor their pets has ever been attached by the gators, bobcats or the bear. I just don't like the idea of a bear living in a highly populated area. It just does not seem safe for the bear. These types of bears are know for being small, friendly, and don't bother peoples trash. I just worry he will get hit by a car or someone will shot it out of fear. I also don't feel comfortable walking my dogs alone. The article in the paper said if you see it you can make it go away simply by yelling at it so I am sure 2 80 pound labs would make it run away. They know this bear very well, as they have caught it and released it a couple of time already but it keeps coming back here. They have had to move it in the past b/c it likes to run in front of cars.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
move to the lovely northeast :p. theres blackbears in NY, and cougars in the Adirondacks, but they pretty much stick to the deep woods, away from people. no deadly spiders or snakes to worry about. timber rattlers in a couple places supposedly, but very rare.

if you want to feel safe-er I guess, when walking, get some mace. some mace to the face of a bear will stop it in its tracks, regardless of its intent.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I am from NY and lived there in 2008 and HATE it there. I will never move back up there. I want to move back to NC but there are just no jobs right now. Once I finish nursing school I am moving back there. Nursing jobs are everywhere.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Nursing jobs are everywhere...It's just who will give you the best deal is all.

when I saw that post title.. I thought.. Bears in Fla ? who knew ?
Up here in Savannah.. the worst you have to fear rummaging around after dark, are the possums, coons, cats, dogs..and the occasional squirrel.
Oh and the pigs if you are rural.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I did not know there were bears in FL either. I googled it and there are FL Black bears but are native to an area about 4 hours from here. Then when I talked with animal control and Fish and Wildlife I found out that there are a few bears in this area. There are only about 3,000 left in the wild and it is sad to say but one day sooner than later they are going to be gone. This makes me so sad and even more reason I would like to see this bear kept safe.

Like I said this island has so many people and so much wildlife in such a small space. It is scary and I stay away from where the gators are but I really do love how people and animals can live together with no problems.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Hard to believe but they can. My sister has been here for 8 years and can not think of one time where any of the dangerous wildlife has harmed human or pet.

northface75 said:
haha, NY isnt so bad. winters are long and cold though. guess not everyone can hack it :p
I don't like the housing, climate, cost of living, most people, health care system, roads. come on there is no central air. Not cool at all when your pregnant and swelling like crazy b/c it is hot in the house and out. Could not cook during the day b/c it made the house way too hot. I like snow but that is just too much and to top it off the snow blower broke and we had to take turns shoveling the driveway all day when we were getting an inch of snow every hour for 36 hours. Not for me. :)


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
ny puts more money into their roads than most states. now if you dont like icy roads, I can understand that. most people who havent lived here for long are all over the roads when it snows. as for everything else, it just depends on where you are in the state.


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I found the roads so much worse then the roads in the south


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
that makes sense. freeze/thaw freeze/thaw destroys concrete. I guess I was comparing to other northern states (like PA lol)


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
I have seen 2 bears in my area,one about 6 miles from here,riding down the road and out he pops on the side of the road,walks up the road a ways and then back into a field. The other one was right outside my kitchen window a couple of years ago. I was carrying laundry through the house to wash rounded the corner into my kitchen and there he sat " Ma'am,I'm mighty hungry do you have any food in there?" I dropped the clothes and ran for the camera,but I had no batteries. He wandered through my yard and up the hill behind the house. Game and inland fisheries said "Don't leave any food out for long periods of time(I had an outdoor cat at the time) and don't let your children play outside by themsleves............OKAY We also have a bobcat,turkeys,guineas,deer........


Bearded Dragon Egg
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Where I moved I have bobcats but for some reason they don't scare me.