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Why? Why do humans always look to the sky? Why do you try so hard to fly when you don't have any wings? We'll run on our own legs. - Kiba "Wolf's rain"
My reptiles,
0.0.1 Argentine Tegu (Renji) 0.1.0 Burmese python (Rukia) 0.1.0 Colombian red tail boa 1.1.0 Het clown BP (Beauty and Sage) 1.1.2 Curly tailed lizards 0.1.2 Bearded dragon (Itachi,Hige and Tsume) 0.0.2 Leopard Gecko (Pein & Sesshomaru ) 0.0.1 Calotes lizard (Lefty) 0.1.0 Coastal x Jungle Carpet python