• Hello guest! Are you a Bearded Dragon enthusiast? If so we invite you to join our community and see what it has to offer. Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Beardie enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your dragons and enclosures and have a great time with other Bearded Dragon enthusiasts. Sign up today!
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  • Have you helped spread the word and told someone about BDF today?
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    Reactions: Germ
    As a matter of fact, yes c(-;
    Just upgrading the site software! Check us out in RSS if you use a reader/aggregator!
    I wanna know how many times you've had people post on your profile page asking why you're following them.
    I know! You're stalking everyone Muahahahaha!
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    Reactions: Josh
    Hahaha - I just want everyone to feel welcomed and a part of our community!
    hi josh, im new to this forum and am just wondering why u are "following " me. What does that mean. Sorry to ask stupid questions
    There is no stupid questions! :) Following is somewhat like a friend request. I will get notifications when you update your status and stuff here on BDF. Actually a great question because I'm not sure it explains this anywhere...
    oh ok, thaks then. got my 2 beardies today. my son named um blinkie and tinkerbell, dont ask me why lol. he loves um though xx
    Thanks for the follow, don't know what following does but ok haha.
    See my reply above... Following is just a way of "friending" each other!
    hey josh i am new here and was wondering how i can have a username show up instead of my actual legal name (Cody Badger) like the people below me have there names. thanks
    Send me a private message (conversation) and let me know what you want your new username to be. I can switch it - no problem! :)
    hi i am still having a proplem posting reply i will type a message and hit the post reply button and it will go to this an error has occur please send a valid message
    Are you still having issues?
    no it worked yesterday ty
    Thanks Josh, I am very new to this. Until a couple weeks ago I only owed cats and dogs all me life. I can't believe how quickly I fell in love with my beardie!

    I am having difficulty posting my replies..I keep getting an error message that says "Please enter a valid message"....wtc
    What device are you using to post? It sounds like your post/message isn't getting through to the server...
    Josh I'm using a regular computer and internet. I'm not having the problem anymore...
    hi just wanted to let you know i having proplems when i want to reply to a post i have been getting an error report and won't let me reply to it
    thank you
    me too...does it tell you to enter a valid message?
    Can either of you copy/paste the exact error you receive?
    Hi there and thanks for the welcome! Is there a way to post pictures from an iPad? I'm not missing some iPad user-friendly app or something am I? Thanks for your help!
    Hey man, its been awhile since i have been on the site and i just wanted to pop in and say this site is awesome!
    thank you for following i heard your the man with the problem solving plans
    i do aim to please - how may i be of service?
    Heard you were to man to come to for problems. I feel like an idiot, My name is supposed to be SouthernDissolution....not Southner...LOL Wanna take care of that for me please? I would greatly appreciate it!
    Done and done! :)
    Thank you so much bro! I don't feel like so much of an idiot now LOL
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