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This is my home. (Ceaser). :)
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How is the temperature in your tank? It looks like you have 2 heat lights and a fluorescent uvb. I have a new dragon and I am having trouble getting the temperature right in my 75 gallon tank.
How is the temperature in your tank? It looks like you have 2 heat lights and a fluorescent UVB. I have a new dragon and I am having trouble getting the temperature right in my 75-gallon tank.

you might need another thermometer in your tank because yours is 75 and mine is 20. the average should be 60-95 but mine is usually 65-85. or your heat but might be editing because usually in a couple of moths the bulb might die out. so you might need to get a bigger and better bulb. but that's amazing that you have a 75 gallon like you bearded dragon must be in heaven. but beardies are very strong so they can last cold winter days but I recommend to have 3-4 bulbs because you have a big tank.
you might need another thermometer in your tank because yours is 75 and mine is 20. the average should be 60-95 but mine is usually 65-85. or your heat but might be editing because usually in a couple of moths the bulb might die out. so you might need to get a bigger and better bulb. but that's amazing that you have a 75 gallon like you bearded dragon must be in heaven. but beardies are very strong so they can last cold winter days but I recommend to have 3-4 bulbs because you have a big tank.
sorry it might be dieing

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