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outside trouble


Bearded Dragon Egg
i don't know why but when ever i take my beardie outside for some sweet natural vitamin D, she gets so defensive and i don't know why,i let her roam around with me keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get hurt or somewhere she isn't supposed to be.


Bearded Dragon Egg
and she also has been glass surfing a lot too even tho she is well fed,the temp is perfect,she has hides,substrate,but yet she still glass surfs


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
and she also has been glass surfing a lot too even tho she is well fed,the temp is perfect,she has hides,substrate,but yet she still glass surfs
How big is the tank? Some dragons do not like it outside - it stresses them out too bad- I would try your LR window back if chair / couch see how she does there-- LR floor too- see how she does there


Bearded Dragon Egg
How big is the tank? Some dragons do not like it outside - it stresses them out too bad- I would try your LR window back if chair / couch see how she does there-- LR floor too- see how she does there
40 gallon


Bearded Dragon Egg
How big is the tank? Some dragons do not like it outside - it stresses them out too bad- I would try your LR window back if chair / couch see how she does there-- LR floor too- see how she does there
i cant afford a 70-75 gallon tank and my parents wont let me get bigger,i have a window in my room that i usually let her sit at


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
i cant afford a 70-75 gallon tank and my parents wont let me get bigger,i have a window in my room that i usually let her sit at
Does she like the window? Get her out as much as you can - she's out grown the 40- you can look on Facebook marketplace or craigslist for used tanks- try for one w/ front doors and sanitize it real good if you find one - optimal tank for a adult dragon 75-120


Bearded Dragon Egg
Does she like the window? Get her out as much as you can - she's out grown the 40- you can look on Facebook marketplace or craigslist for used tanks- try for one w/ front doors and sanitize it real good if you find one - optimal tank for a adult dragon 75-120
ya she doesn't mind it,but she likes to poop on my bed,her 40 gallon does have double doors and she is a pretty calm beardie unless she is outside

Point Fermin

Bearded Dragon Egg
Our beardie is one of those that doesn't like being outside, the first thing he did was look for a place to hide. He seemed to be on guard instantly when he saw bushes and trees moving in the wind, and was really jumpy when he saw birds fly by. It's no wonder they have the third eye, the parietal eye, to alert and warn them from becoming a snack to a bird.

He tolerates us taking him out of his house, never fusses too much but clearly likes being in his own home, which he doesn't share with anyone. I thought he would like the sun, and maybe he would, but there's too much going on outside for him


Bearded Dragon Egg
Our beardie is one of those that doesn't like being outside, the first thing he did was look for a place to hide. He seemed to be on guard instantly when he saw bushes and trees moving in the wind, and was really jumpy when he saw birds fly by. It's no wonder they have the third eye, the parietal eye, to alert and warn them from becoming a snack to a bird.

He tolerates us taking him out of his house, never fusses too much but clearly likes being in his own home, which he doesn't share with anyone. I thought he would like the sun, and maybe he would, but there's too much going on outside for him
i know what you mean,i let her roam around on my bed,she likes to get into any sort of crack or crevice


Bearded Dragon Egg
but as soon as i put her on the ground outside,she gets super defensive and she actually bit me because of it and she never bites inside


Bearded Dragon Egg
i don't know why but when ever i take my beardie outside for some sweet natural vitamin D, she gets so defensive and i don't know why,i let her roam around with me keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get hurt or somewhere she isn't supposed to be.
When I got my Abigail I was told how much she loved to soak in her extra glass tank outside. And that she got really mad when you picked her up to take her back in doors. Boy was that lady right. I did a bunch of research on the subject. Wait, let me back up some. I had never had a beardie before so I spent months learning before getting her. The last thing I want to do is harm or neglect any animal. So that being said. The first time I had set her in the lawn while I pulled weeds. I had noticed there was a group of dandy lions ten feet from her. I asked my roommate if shed6move Abbey close to them. To see if she eat any. Lol when Michelle approached her she jumped back and said "Oh, hell no!" Claiming she was looking angry and even hissed at her. ( I dont know if the hissing was factual) but I got up and when I approached her her mouth gaped open and beard was jet black. Kind if scared me. But I know your not supposed to show fear with animals. ( I dont know if beardies can sense fear from humans or not) so I scooped her up and relocated her quickly. A few hours later when I was going to bring her back inside she did the same thing. Previous owner never gave her free range inside or out. (I've learned to attach a 8' string to her harness so I always know where she's at. ( dont worry she's never left unattended) so yeap she continued to freak out every time I approached her outside to bring her inside or to relocate her outside depending where she crawled to. It became less and less while she was outside. with in a few months of summer she stopped mouth gaping and not the slightest bit of color change. I believe she was truely enjoying her water soaks and loved thinking she was completely free range. And thought that everytime a human approached her outside that the party was over and back to prison she was going. She loves to crawl around any flowers or foliage outside. It's what the do in the wild. Plus I'm sure it helps them regulate there body temperature. After doing some deep research on why she freaks out when I bring her through the door from outside. (She's gotton a little better) It all technically has to do with there third eye. Something to do with the light change from outside natural sunlight vs the light change coming into your home. It doesnt take them long to reajust to the difference in lighting. Also found out the hard way not to hold her and walk under large trees. I had new neighbors and wanted to I bgg produce her to them. Oh man, when I went two houses down she flipped our on me. By the time I got to there's see was fine. She did the same thing when I came back. I didnt know what it was at the time. Till a few days later Abbey and I were out front and seen the neighbors and went to visit. Same thing happened in the exact same spot. Huh! It was the big shade tree next to my driveway. Her third eye sinced it as danger over head. So now if were outside anywhere approaching anything I know will set her off I place my hand over her head and she doesnt since any objects above as danger. I'll be so glad when my Michigan winter breaks and Abbey can enjoy nature again. I wonder if anything I've said corresponds to with what you've noticed with yours. How does she act after you put her down for a few minutes? Without her thinking your going to pick him or her up? What is the terrain, open sky, trees, deck, gravel, grass, bushes, water poodles, awning, ect? Not sure how colors effect them, reason being......I took her into my local hardware store once and she was all happy and cool until I walked down a certain isle. She flipped out wiggling and I was afraid I was going to drop her. I got out of that isle and she calmed down. I waited a bit and headed towards that same isle and she immediately started to do the same thing about 4 foot in. I turned around making a quick reverse out and she calmed down. No problem thru the rest of the store. That peticular isle had a bunch if bright yellow and other colorful objects. Which I concluded made her feel danger. Hopefully I've given you some things to concider. I'm glad I stuck it out with her because she loves, loves going outside.
As for the glass surfing there multiple things that can cause that. Other on here can probably explain better.


Bearded Dragon Egg
When I got my Abigail I was told how much she loved to soak in her extra glass tank outside. And that she got really mad when you picked her up to take her back in doors. Boy was that lady right. I did a bunch of research on the subject. Wait, let me back up some. I had never had a beardie before so I spent months learning before getting her. The last thing I want to do is harm or neglect any animal. So that being said. The first time I had set her in the lawn while I pulled weeds. I had noticed there was a group of dandy lions ten feet from her. I asked my roommate if shed6move Abbey close to them. To see if she eat any. Lol when Michelle approached her she jumped back and said "Oh, hell no!" Claiming she was looking angry and even hissed at her. ( I dont know if the hissing was factual) but I got up and when I approached her her mouth gaped open and beard was jet black. Kind if scared me. But I know your not supposed to show fear with animals. ( I dont know if beardies can sense fear from humans or not) so I scooped her up and relocated her quickly. A few hours later when I was going to bring her back inside she did the same thing. Previous owner never gave her free range inside or out. (I've learned to attach a 8' string to her harness so I always know where she's at. ( dont worry she's never left unattended) so yeap she continued to freak out every time I approached her outside to bring her inside or to relocate her outside depending where she crawled to. It became less and less while she was outside. with in a few months of summer she stopped mouth gaping and not the slightest bit of color change. I believe she was truely enjoying her water soaks and loved thinking she was completely free range. And thought that everytime a human approached her outside that the party was over and back to prison she was going. She loves to crawl around any flowers or foliage outside. It's what the do in the wild. Plus I'm sure it helps them regulate there body temperature. After doing some deep research on why she freaks out when I bring her through the door from outside. (She's gotton a little better) It all technically has to do with there third eye. Something to do with the light change from outside natural sunlight vs the light change coming into your home. It doesnt take them long to reajust to the difference in lighting. Also found out the hard way not to hold her and walk under large trees. I had new neighbors and wanted to I bgg produce her to them. Oh man, when I went two houses down she flipped our on me. By the time I got to there's see was fine. She did the same thing when I came back. I didnt know what it was at the time. Till a few days later Abbey and I were out front and seen the neighbors and went to visit. Same thing happened in the exact same spot. Huh! It was the big shade tree next to my driveway. Her third eye sinced it as danger over head. So now if were outside anywhere approaching anything I know will set her off I place my hand over her head and she doesnt since any objects above as danger. I'll be so glad when my Michigan winter breaks and Abbey can enjoy nature again. I wonder if anything I've said corresponds to with what you've noticed with yours. How does she act after you put her down for a few minutes? Without her thinking your going to pick him or her up? What is the terrain, open sky, trees, deck, gravel, grass, bushes, water poodles, awning, ect? Not sure how colors effect them, reason being......I took her into my local hardware store once and she was all happy and cool until I walked down a certain isle. She flipped out wiggling and I was afraid I was going to drop her. I got out of that isle and she calmed down. I waited a bit and headed towards that same isle and she immediately started to do the same thing about 4 foot in. I turned around making a quick reverse out and she calmed down. No problem thru the rest of the store. That peticular isle had a bunch if bright yellow and other colorful objects. Which I concluded made her feel danger. Hopefully I've given you some things to concider. I'm glad I stuck it out with her because she loves, loves going outside.
As for the glass surfing there multiple things that can cause that. Other on here can probably explain better.


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