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Is euthanasia humane?


Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi everyone,
Our bearded dragon Chabo has a large internal mass on side. Vet did x ray and ultrasound and said it is likely kidney cancer based on appearance and rapid growth.. On paper he wrote neoplasia. He discharged with pain meds and critical care food to be given daily and said to monitor for quality of life. Chabo is 6 years old. He hasn’t eaten any real food in at least 2 weeks, I have to practically force fed the critical care food when he takes a sip of water. The meds perk him up a little but he still looks miserable. Black beard for days, very little activity, often closes eyes. Doesn’t show interest in usual things, doesn’t eat, only sips water. You can feel the mass on his side. We have cried for days but I cannot allow this to spiral to crisis where emergency vet clinic is only option. Question- has anyone had to euthanize bearded dragon? I am worried about euthanasia of lizard involving suffering because I (unfortunately) researched vet journals and read things that upset me (can’t find vein so meds take longer to bring death, etc.) any words of wisdom? Thank you! Laura


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Hi everyone,
Our bearded dragon Chabo has a large internal mass on side. Vet did x ray and ultrasound and said it is likely kidney cancer based on appearance and rapid growth.. On paper he wrote neoplasia. He discharged with pain meds and critical care food to be given daily and said to monitor for quality of life. Chabo is 6 years old. He hasn’t eaten any real food in at least 2 weeks, I have to practically force fed the critical care food when he takes a sip of water. The meds perk him up a little but he still looks miserable. Black beard for days, very little activity, often closes eyes. Doesn’t show interest in usual things, doesn’t eat, only sips water. You can feel the mass on his side. We have cried for days but I cannot allow this to spiral to crisis where emergency vet clinic is only option. Question- has anyone had to euthanize bearded dragon? I am worried about euthanasia of lizard involving suffering because I (unfortunately) researched vet journals and read things that upset me (can’t find vein so meds take longer to bring death, etc.) any words of wisdom? Thank you! Laura
I am so sorry to hear about Chabo--- I am going to refer you to Tracie our vet tech on the forum- we have seen lots of dragons being euthanized and I personally have not had to experience that - lets get some input from her -


Hatchling Dragon

Oh dear, I am so sorry, very distressing. Do you have any pictures of Chabo you
could post for us?
Did this come on quickly then or slowly that you have noticed?
To be honest, whether anyone agrees with this or not, I am not a real big fan of
euthanasia unless it is absolutely necessary. If the dragon isn't visibly suffering,
& you are willing to keep the quality of life for them then I feel that it is more humane
to let them live their life to the fullest, with you. Though it's emotional I realize, but
it is a gift to let them be with you & you can be with them at their time of need.
I am sure this isn't the most popular viewpoint, but that is where I stand.
They are sure there is nothing that they can do, surgery, etc?
For now, support feeding will be helpful to keep his weight maintained until you
can figure anything else out. Was he blackbearding before the meds, or, after you
started him on the meds? Which medications is he on right now, you mentioned
pain meds, do you know the name of it?
Are you keeping him a little warmer overnight right now?

I am truly sorry for the situation.
