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hii :)

Amy McKellar

Bearded Dragon Egg
hey im new here and i love it already and i still have no idea what to do. i love bearded dragon and i am looking for new and exciting things to do with him. he just turned a year old and he is so big.

Amy McKellar

Bearded Dragon Egg
thank you so much. i am very excited to be apart of this. i am looking for some new and exciting things for me and my bearded dragon. i wanted to take him outside and get him some real sun but maybe i need a leash for that. lol what do you think is the best leash or if he can even swim in my pool. its a chlorine pool but i dont think that would be best. maybe just a little kiddie pool and fill it up with water.

Elemental Dragon Lord

Bearded Dragon Veteran
God no! Chlorine is very bad for reptiles. I only give mine purified reverse osmosis water........they drink better than me :\

They really aren't swimmers, if you take them outside a kiddie pool thats dry should be great. Just scare off the birds first.

Amy McKellar

Bearded Dragon Egg
whenever i feel like he isnt get enough water i usually stick his worms in the water bowl where he will eat them and get water at the same time. i am thinking about getting a waterfall for his tank.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
Beardie Club
hey im new here and i love it already and i still have no idea what to do. i love bearded dragon and i am looking for new and exciting things to do with him. he just turned a year old and he is so big.
Hi and welcome to the forum my names Penny and i have 2 beardies Diego and Boris. All beardies r different and u need to find out wot ur beardie enjoys. mine r so different. Diego loves the water he has done since he was a baby ( i say baby i got him at 5 months) . when he is in the bath he some how bloats up his back end so it floats and uses his back legs to move himself around. he loves it he wud swim and splash all day if he could. he even goes under with his face for a dip n uses his back legs( like a dog) to scratch the water off his face after its so so fun to watch. so as for the pool it really depends on how happy ur beardie is in water. coz Boris is totally different he dnt like it none too much he likes.me too keep my hand in tye water with him n he gets off and on a bit but dnt stay in for long. As for the water fall id b carefull cooz it cud mess with ur humidity :) i mist there salad so i know they r getting hydrated also drop it on his nose and play with ur fingers in his water bowl so he can c it move then he may find interest. also u can try squirting a window with water and aitting him on the window sill so he can c the droplets run dwn the.window. just a few little things sorry to go on n on :) as for out side you cam buy pens quite cheap get some kind of repti carpet rocks ect and put it out side ? like i sed different beardies like different things. Boris fav is teddies he loves to snuggle a twddy n go sleep. Diego luv my dressing gown hehe. :) hope i helped a little :)

Amy McKellar

Bearded Dragon Egg
I really want him to try new things since he is one years old im thinking about just trying stuff and seeing if it works out for the best . And to know what he doesn't like and what he does like. I'm really excited. He hasn't been outside and I think it's time ;)

Amy McKellar

Bearded Dragon Egg
you helped alot. im just a little nervous on trying him out because hes never been out of the house and he usually just runs out. i just need to get him a leash or a harness bc i know he will start running. :) lol. thank you so much for the help. it really has,helped and showed me that all beardies are different.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
Beardie Club
you helped alot. im just a little nervous on trying him out because hes never been out of the house and he usually just runs out. i just need to get him a leash or a harness bc i know he will start running. :) lol. thank you so much for the help. it really has,helped and showed me that all beardies are different.
they really r wen i take Diego outside he will just sit on my arm or chest n have a chill but Boris dnt like it none too much he tries to get in ur top to hide hehe.

Amy McKellar

Bearded Dragon Egg
well he is in the kitchen and he does look at the tv alot. so i think he watches tv lol. he does most of the time want to get out of his cage. but when i take him out im scared because i have alot of stuff he can get under. when he gets out he doesnt want to get back in and he gets mad at me lol. i did buy him a little pen to put him in so he can get out of his cage but he just trys to get out of that too. so i might need to just let him explore around and just watch him to make sure he doesnt get under anything.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
Beardie Club
well he is in the kitchen and he does look at the tv alot. so i think he watches tv lol. he does most of the time want to get out of his cage. but when i take him out im scared because i have alot of stuff he can get under. when he gets out he doesnt want to get back in and he gets mad at me lol. i did buy him a little pen to put him in so he can get out of his cage but he just trys to get out of that too. so i might need to just let him explore around and just watch him to make sure he doesnt get under anything.
u cud get a little vell so u can let him explore but u will know where he is or maybe a leash then its easier to gt from under ewt. i have a vig hall where i can shut all the doors so mine can have a nice run. i no it soumds silly.but wen we first go Diego n id put him dwn id make my bf pad every little hole so he cudnt get anywhere i used.clothes.blankets pillows ewt to cover the gaps hehe :) .


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
Beardie Club
i do have a big hall. maybe i could do that. i wasnt thinking of it like that lol
yeh our hall quite big so they get a nice run n my bf plays a great game with them where he throws hoppers dwn the hall n they chase them sliding as they get to it just b4 the bite. its so fun to watch. :) i was thinkin of getting a kitten post for them to climb on :)

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