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Bearded dragon and essential oil’s


Bearded Dragon Egg
I rescued a bearded dragon who had been living with out lights for two weeks,I bought what lights I could get a red infrared 125 w for heating and 18w Fluorescent 0.5 and gave it to the owner then when I went there a few weeks later she was not eating like she was and just laying near the basking area not being very active, so I took her home and got her a mercury vapour light 125 w and the fluorescent the temperature was 38-40 degree hot end and 26-29 degree cooler end I got her to poo incase she was going into brumation but she would come out every day and sit below her basking area I got her to eat 2 crickets one day and a super worm the next , they came out nearly whole In her poop, I took her to the vet and she said she looked good, but she couldn’t look inside her mouth as I was worried it looked too white the whole tip of her tung was white and the back of her throat was white as well, she refused to eat it had been about 5 weeks since she ate 3 crickets and then the 2 I gave her and superworm, then one day she never came out I thought she must be in deep brumation but she had died, I had used a essential oils vapour that day,do you think that is why she died ?I am so upset and miss her I can’t believe that I was so stupid to have essential oils in the same room.


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I rescued a bearded dragon who had been living with out lights for two weeks,I bought what lights I could get a red infrared 125 w for heating and 18w Fluorescent 0.5 and gave it to the owner then when I went there a few weeks later she was not eating like she was and just laying near the basking area not being very active, so I took her home and got her a mercury vapour light 125 w and the fluorescent the temperature was 38-40 degree hot end and 26-29 degree cooler end I got her to poo incase she was going into brumation but she would come out every day and sit below her basking area I got her to eat 2 crickets one day and a super worm the next , they came out nearly whole In her poop, I took her to the vet and she said she looked good, but she couldn’t look inside her mouth as I was worried it looked too white the whole tip of her tung was white and the back of her throat was white as well, she refused to eat it had been about 5 weeks since she ate 3 crickets and then the 2 I gave her and superworm, then one day she never came out I thought she must be in deep brumation but she had died, I had used a essential oils vapour that day,do you think that is why she died ?I am so upset and miss her I can’t believe that I was so stupid to have essential oils in the same room.
I don't think it was the oils- usually incorrect uvb and surface basking temps are the cause please do not beat yourself up- I am so sorry -- you tried your best- was she really skinny? It sounds like she had bad care before you got her- infrared bulbs are not for dragons- please sanitize the tank if you decide to get another dragon-- F10 found on ebay or Amazon good stuff- zoo meds wipe out or rescue- if you need help when your ready to try again I can help you get the tank set up+- again I am sorry- :(


Bearded Dragon Egg
Thank you for your answer ,if I do get a nother one I will get one that needs a home and I will definitely get in touch with you to make sure that I am doing everything right


Bearded Dragon Egg
Thank you for your answer ,if I do get a nother one I will get one that needs a home and I will definitely get in touch with you to make sure that I am doing everything right
Sorry I forgot she was not a bad weight so the vet said 347 g but when I weigh her she would be 7 g lighter the next week then back up 7-7 g the next week, I thought it must have been the scales but they seem okay weighing everything else,could she have had a condition that could cause that?


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Sorry I forgot she was not a bad weight so the vet said 347 g but when I weigh her she would be 7 g lighter the next week then back up 7-7 g the next week, I thought it must have been the scales but they seem okay weighing everything else,could she have had a condition that could cause that?
Ok I have to ask did you soak her in oils or were you using a diffuser in the room w/ her? You did not specify what you did w/ the oils I know coconut oil would not hurt her -- we use that for softening up femoral pores when they are plugged-- and now you are talking about her scales-- did the vet say anything about her scales?


Bearded Dragon Egg
Ok I have to ask did you soak her in oils or were you using a diffuser in the room w/ her? You did not specify what you did w/ the oils I know coconut oil would not hurt her -- we use that for softening up femoral pores when they are plugged-- and now you are talking about her scales-- did the vet say anything about her scales?
I used a diffuser and it was rose scent,


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
I used a diffuser and it was rose scent,
Ok so no that would not have been the cause-- I am thinking she was already sick when you got her - dragons hide their illnesses and you dont know they are sick till they can no longer hide it -- the hiding is a instinct thing --


Bearded Dragon Egg
Ok I have to ask did you soak her in oils or were you using a diffuser in the room w/ her? You did not specify what you did w/ the oils I know coconut oil would not hurt her -- we use that for softening up femoral pores when they are plugged-- and now you are talking about her scales-- did the vet say anything about her scales?
No not her scales but my scales that I was weighing her with one week she would be 347g then 7 g lighter the next week then back up to 347 give a g or 2 I thought it might have been the scales but they are good for everything else, is there a condition that can cause this,she was not eating just taking water every second day


Bearded Dragon Veteran
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
No not her scales but my scales that I was weighing her with one week she would be 347g then 7 g lighter the next week then back up to 347 give a g or 2 I thought it might have been the scales but they are good for everything else, is there a condition that can cause this,she was not eating just taking water every second day
infrared 125 w for heating and 18w Fluorescent 0.5 -- if the infrared bulb was colored it was not the best -- any colored lights are no good -- how long was the infrared being used? what brand of 5.0 bulb was being used and where was it placed in the tank? The MVB some are good and some are not so good-- all these bulbs that are used for lighting are critical for the dragon --surface basking temps as well -- they are the life line to the dragon -- it is so hard to say what the cause of passing - she could of had a illness that we dont know about - could of been something w/ her genetics - she was of good weight -- you did your best and intentions were good -- w/ her being of good weight I would of thought she would not of passed like that but something was obviously wrong -- I am so sorry and I know exactly how you feed - I went thru the same ordeal years back and I think I figured it out what happened to my first one -- it was owner operator --- my mistakes I made and knew no better and I after I figured it out I swore I would never do that again -- dont beat your self up -- if you want to try again I can help you get your tank set up properly -- sometimes you get a dragon you dont know is already sick and even all the proper lighting and temps are not enough --- again I am sorry :(

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