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Recent content by Lilclap

  1. L

    new to bearded dragons. he wont eat...

    Day 5.. tried something new & learned something today.. first off he is eating his greens now!! Yay for cheko! 2nd off i learned that he dosnt like his food & water in 1 big bowl (food all lumpped in one corner of the bowl). He is very particular. I baught a new smaller bowl & put his greens in...
  2. L

    Building Your Own Rock Structure (Video)

    Ok cool. I didn't know if the Styrofoam would be a problem or not
  3. L

    Building Your Own Rock Structure (Video)

    I have a question. I am going to turn my old gun cabinet i made into a cage for my beardie. Going to do the whole entire thing with this stuff. 2 or 3 levels, but a question if i do this. Im going to make a cave. Do i have to do all the grout & seal the inside of the cave too? If so ill have to...
  4. L

    Most Creative Beardie Name?

    Cheko! Idk it just matched his looks i think. Wife said it joking & it stuck.. he looks like a cheko :)
  5. L

    new to bearded dragons. he wont eat...

    & just to add.. i did buy mustard greens & some parsley & finely cut it up.. he is eating little amounts now. Yay for cheko! (his name) lol
  6. L

    new to bearded dragons. he wont eat...

    Ya & today is tue i got him sun afternoon, so today will be his 2nd actual day in his new temperary cage, so maybe he just has to get comfortable..? & i wasnt excited about the pebble food anyways i think im going to stay with greens. But an important question to top the other ones.. if i go...
  7. L

    new to bearded dragons. he wont eat...

    Ok. Just baught a bearded dragon and its a baby. Thought id go cheap & buy pebble food to start.. he wont eat.. well the store said crickets.. well the town i live in dosnt have a pet store within an hour drive so crickets are a no go temperarily.. Should i give up pebbles & go to greens? Do you...