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Stubborn With Crickets

Krispy Kev

Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi everyone! My wife and I have two beardies. Tyrion, and Nymeria. We've had Tyrion for quite some time now and we just got Nymeria yesterday. Assuming by size she is about 3 months old. When I went to feed her this morning, she showed little interest in her food. I feed them both small crickets and only one at a time. After pushing the cricket around, Nymeria finally realized that she could eat it. However she only ate the one cricket. I had repeated the process of toying with the cricket hoping she would bite but she just lost interest. I had watched a video titled "Teaching a Baby Bearded Dragon to Eat Crickets." Essentially, the video stated it just requires patience and eventually the beardie will go after the cricket. My question, is this true? Or do I just have a stubborn dragon who doesn't want to eat crickets? Any info on the situation will be greatly appreciated!

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Krispy Kev

Bearded Dragon Egg
Hi everyone! My wife and I have two beardies. Tyrion, and Nymeria. We've had Tyrion for quite some time now and we just got Nymeria yesterday. Assuming by size she is about 3 months old. When I went to feed her this morning, she showed little interest in her food. I feed them both small crickets and only one at a time. After pushing the cricket around, Nymeria finally realized that she could eat it. However she only ate the one cricket. I had repeated the process of toying with the cricket hoping she would bite but she just lost interest. I had watched a video titled "Teaching a Baby Bearded Dragon to Eat Crickets." Essentially, the video stated it just requires patience and eventually the beardie will go after the cricket. My question, is this true? Or do I just have a stubborn dragon who doesn't want to eat crickets? Any info on the situation will be greatly appreciated!

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Update: As of this morning, baby Nymeria ate 5 crickets. She just waited around for them to stroll on by and then she snatched them up. Funny though, I was watching over her while vocally encouraging her to eat by saying "Come on girl, you can do it" and on command she darted to the opposite end of her terrarium to where a loose cricket was and grabbed him. Like in the snap of a finger. I think she's just slowing coming around to being in her new home. After she finished eating, she ran up into my hand and up onto my forearm, did a butt wiggle and went fast asleep. I placed her under her basking lamp after a few minutes though as I had stuff to do. But that is all, just wanted to check in in case anyone was wondering where she was at.

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She’s still going thorough some relocation stress, give her some time and she will be eating you out of house and home in no time!

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