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Roach chow


Staff member
3 Year Member
1,000+ Post Club
Redlands, CA
I haven't made my own but I have used Mazuri gut-loading diet. I got some at the last reptile show. What kinds of things would you put into it if you were to make it yourself?


Juvenile Dragon
I made some myself, I blended up fluckers high calcium feed, premium Kirkland puppy food, fish food, and some rep cal juvenile bearded dragon pellets. They seem to be eating it, but they aren't swarming all over it.


Bearded Dragon Egg
We have a large colony if roaches, between 900-1500 hard to count accurately. Their diet consists of oranges, halved and placed in a shallow container and dried cat food. They do not have to be supplemented with bug grub as all the moisture is from the fruit. If you use salad ingredients you will find it goes to mush and leaves the cartons damp, smelly and mouldy. Hope this helps. Joanne


Bearded Dragon Veteran
New York
Its best not to use dog, cat or fish food actually. Roaches are amazing little creatures that are adapted to a low protein diet. As such they have this crazy ability to store extra protein in the form of uric acid in their bodies. In the wild, this is great as they will then use the uric acid to synthesize proteins later when they have none in their diet again. However, if you feed them high protein diets like dog food (around 25-30%), cat food (30-40%) or fish food (40-50%) continuously, then they just continue to build up more and more uric acid. That means that all the roaches you feed are high in a compound that is hard on your lizard's organs to process, and unnecessarily so. They already, like all insects, have more than enough protein for your lizard, so no need to 'super load' them with more protein that your dragon wont use anyway.

If you want to use a premade food, go with a rabbit food or better yet chicken layer pellets. These are around 16-18% protein and loaded with calcium and other vitamins/minerals for egg production in hens. Then just add a good mix of veggies, pretty much the same ones you feed your dragon.


Juvenile Dragon
I've heard that too that it isn't good to use pet food because essentially that is what you are then giving your dragon and we all know what goes into dog food....I use a website called beardeddragon.co and they have a powder mixture you can buy specifically for roaches it's super inexpensive