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Just Got My Baby Dragon And Need All The Help I Can Get.!!!


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Mississauga-ontario canada
cool; but i think he's a little to young for the latter part.They told me he was a male so i guess before i stick him with LIL: DUDE-i better find out how to sex him if i can anyone know. More reading coming up lol'river

Pat B

Super Moderator
Columbia SC
CooL Pat B; never too old to learn lol-and i just love this little guy and seen him wave both hands when my dogs went to his tank to see him. Had to chase little one away as she would stress him out. But it was soo cute to see both hands-i believe it means submission if i am right.Someone correct me if i'm wrong lol river.
Spike has never waved or head bobbed....so I guess he never submitted to anything or anyone!!....:cool:


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Mississauga-ontario canada
Ha Ha Pat that is cute-mine done it today when the little dog of mine stuck her nose on his tank-both arms very cute to see and i would have missed it if i had not turned around to check on him lol. river


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Mississauga-ontario canada
Been on computer most of the day reading different posts and such-some are very interesting.Broke my heart on kijiji people wanting to trade their dragons for foolish stuff. I always thought a pet was for life. Makes me want to throw up, some of these people are concerned with money or trading and breeding and don't know enough to do so. Can't understand why the beardie is aggressive with 2-3-in small space. Any way rant over-i am a happy camper with my baby and will give him the very best.I am going to start a journal with his calcium and such and on which days it is used ect; so that way no mix up, keep track of everything in general foods he like best, foods given and on what day exct; first shed ect; all of it then i should not go wrong. Thoughts on this any opinions would be very appreciated. river


Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Mississauga-ontario canada
Sorry all-i have not come accross when they shed first time-i know what to do but when to expect his first shed-i'll have to get a pic of that one if he is not in a mood lol river

Mungi's Buddha

Bearded Dragon Veteran
1,000+ Post Club
Mungi's World- Dayton,Ohio
@river-7...If I understood your post your were wondering why beardies are aggressive when you house multiples together? That answer is actually quite an easy one. Bearded Dragoons are by nature dominance oriented creatures. That is what their world is about in the wild. The most dominate dragon gets the best food, the best basking spot, the best and most mates.etc. In the wild bearded dragons are not communal animals. They have territory of their own and only come together for breeding purposes at which time the males will actually fight for females. This dominant nature is oft times mis-interpreted by humans as cute behavior. They see two dragons "cuddling" together in the sun. This may look like the two dragons have affection for each other but in reality they are jockeying for the best Sunlight...the one on top is the dominant one.
Bearded dragons are often called Docile and sweet, friendly and even loving creatures because they are easily handled and seem to "enjoy" being held by their human caretakers and rarely if ever bite but the truth is that they tolerate us and recognize us as a much larger and dominant creature. They are also cold blooded creatures and when they "snuggle" in your arms it is more because they feel and need the heat that your body is giving off to keep themselves warm.
Separating the reality from the fantasy as far as these wonderful creatures goes makes it easy to understand why they are aggressive with 2-3 in a small space...they are simply being them-self and true to their nature and in no way does knowing the truth about that nature and understanding the real reason for their particular behaviors lessen the truly great creatures they are.

I think that keeping a journal on your dragon and the adventure the two of you have embarked on is an awesome idea and in fact we keep very detailed journals on all of our critters. Each enclosure has one beside it and everything is recorded:)

As to the schedule of shedding goes bearded dragons can shed as often as they outgrow their current suit of clothes. Sheds can happen at any time and frequency especially when talking about a young growing dragon. Once they reach adulthood the sheds will come less often and sometimes they will only shed parts of their bodies at a time instead of the entire thing.
One thing to be aware of is that many dragons get restless and agitated when they are about to shed. It is nothing to be concerned about and a nice warm soak in the tub for 15-20 minutes goes a long way to soothing the beast so to speak but don't overdo the baths...once a week at most is plenty to hydrate them and help if they are shedding or about to:)



Juvenile Dragon
3 Year Member
Mississauga-ontario canada
thanks MUNGIE" Yes, that is great info for us all-i just didn't run across what age or when they shed. MUNGIE: MY post was what i was reading on kijiji re; 2-3-dragons in small space.but always appreciated good info-thank you for that.Now to retain it all. [ha ha]river-ps baby still sleeping this am 7-15 am here in canada.

Pat B

Super Moderator
Columbia SC
Sounds like all is going well in your adventure with your new beardie. They are fun but oh so independent and like children....they are all different! As the Dude grows he will develop his own little personality. My Spike has a serious 'attitude'....lol but that is just him. I talk to him all the time and handle him very little. I think he knows my voice, has never bitten me or even tried, loves his bath, and eats his greens if he is in the mood which isn't very often, poops almost everyday and looooves his hammock. If I didn't take his hammock out of his enclosure the little booger would lay in it 24/7!! Enjoy and very good idea about record keeping....:D