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Diet - flowers


Bearded Dragon Egg
I have read so many conflicting stories about what they can and can't eat in the way of flowers. One site has iris on the yes and no. Flowers I have on hand, daisy the small white petal ones, dadilions, iris, lavender, Rosemary, geranium, carnation. Even lettuce seems to appear on both acceptable and non-acceptable thank in advance


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Beardie Club
Flowers are a tricky one. I always use this list to decided what is safe http://www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutritionframeset.html I've seen the same things listed on other lists so I trust it. Dandelion flowers are good and so are the leafs. Rosemary and anything that we consider a spice is good, peppermint, sage, cilantro, parsley, etc. Just make sure that they are not wild grown. You want to make sure everything is pesticide free.