Ok thanks for ur advise im so confuse about the best bedding for bdNo - it can cause impaction -- you can use textured non adhesive shelf liner from Home Depot Lowes etc - it is cheap and easy to clean w/ vinegar/ water 50/50 in a spray bottle - insects cannot get underneath- or you can go w/ slated ceramic tile bought at the same place and cleaned the say way --- that would haft to be cut w/ a tile cutter-
I use newspaper now, but some friends of mine suggest use wood pellet for substrate.You dont want to use any loose substrate Sand wood chips coconut soil etc............walnut chips that is toxic to bearded dragons- try the shelf liner there are many people who use it -- just get a textured so he doesnt slip on it
Exotera uva 50 watt and uvb 100 exotera 9 watt 120x50x50What kind of lighting do you have for your tank and what size is the tank ?
Its hard to find that in my country, the best i can get just exotrerra lamp...HERE IS SOME INFO ON THE UVB--- PLEASE ASK IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS -- ARE YOU HAVING ANY ISSUES NOW W/ HIM EATING NOT EATING BEING LETHARGIC?
Which UVB light should I use?
The best UVB light is a ReptiSun 10.0 fluorescent tube HO (Or Arcardia 12% in the UK). Compact or coil bulbs do not emit the proper amount of UVB light for a bearded dragon, and should not be used. Other brands, such as the Zilla Desert Series and ReptiGlo have been known to cause eye problems and other health issues with bearded dragons, and should be avoided. The reason that some UVB lights (Zilla, ReptiGlo, coils/compacts, ect.) are considered dangerous is because the wavelength of UVB that they emit is shorter and more intense than the wavelength of the "safe" lights (ReptiSun, Arcadia). UVB lights should be replaced every 6 months. The T5’s are a strong bulb and only need to be replaced once a year – the T 8 every 6 months--- where as the T 8 are not as strong—they need to be placed inside the tank the T 5 10.0 bulb approx 10-11 inches from basking spot – the T 8 approx 8-10 inches from basking spot—the cover needs to be off the bulb for full effect of the UVB rays--
I would advise against wood pellet. Newspaper is fine, tile if you can. I have found since I switched to tile, my guy has seems happier and clean up is way easier.Hay guys i wanna ask something, is it safe tu ise wood pellet for bd's bedding?
Thats great! I just ordered a large mesh cat tent type of thing so I can bring my guy into the sun. Can't wait for it to get here so he can get some good sun!Im from indonesia, every twice a week my bd get sunbath
So I have found my guy likes a blanket. I cut one in pieces and that is where he sleeps now.Hay guys i wanna ask something, is it safe tu ise wood pellet for bd's bedding?