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  1. T

    ??? (accinently stepped on)

    So... I accidentally may have stepped on my bearded dragon, Homeboy. He seems okay, he's moving around. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. He's been sat on by a dog, fallen off a table, dropped by my mom. He's been through a lot, to put it lightly. He has always been...
  2. DJ Beardie

    4-Month-Old Beardie Walking Strangely

    Hello, I'm new to owning bearded dragons and I've had this one for two months now. She suddenly started walking strange the other day, it looks like a limp? When I first noticed it, I was feeding her, and I thought it might have been her claws getting caught on her carpet, but as I kept watching...
  3. M

    Injured Beardy toe, been like this for weeks

    Hey everyone, first post!!! I’ve had my beardy for a while, but this is a first where I’m stuck. about 2 weeks ago I noticed my beardys toe was a little inflamed and assumed he pulled a stupid and hit something. my question is, would you do anything different or just let it heal on it’s own...
  4. Grace McLaughlin

    Can't Sleep - worried about my beardie

    Hey y'all, I'm new to this thread. I wanted to sign up since i got my beardie not too long ago and plan on keeping them around for a long time. I really need advice right now though. So, I've had my beardie for a couple months now. Every time I make his food I let him sit on my shoulder and...
  5. J

    Injury? Acting strangely.

    Bearded dragon with scratched eye and blood around mouth. Keeps puffing beard almost like she can't breathe properly. Has been eating and moving less.
  6. S

    Injured Leg

    Monday I got home from work and my beardie was limping, not using his front left leg fully. I could touch it and move the shoulder, plus it was not limp or cold. I did and x-ray at the vet yesterday, and the vet said at this point it is likely a soft tissue injury, and to just wait it out for a...
  7. S

    PANIC- Question about accidental stepping on

    I AM PANICKING! A the beginning of this year I suddenly lost a bearded dragon to unknown causes, she was fine one day then the next morning I was rushing her to emergency where she did not survive. So I am very upset right now because I am worried about my new boy. Today around 5:30pm (it is...
  8. M

    Injured toe on beardie?

    Hey all, So today I discovered what looked to be an injured toe on my beardie boy after I came back from school, I'm not entirely sure though? I only noticed it today but I haven't seen him in the past few days since my mother watches him for me when I'm busy, So I'm not sure if it's just...
  9. G

    Foot injury?

    I just noticed this on my beardies front foot. Does anyone know what this could be? He is acting completely normal, walking around, and not acting as if it is painful. Any help would be appreciated!