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Recent content by Smawg

  1. Smawg

    Eating Habit

    The first 5 months of having Smawg as a baby she ate great, but after that, she didn't eat her greens or fruits or veggies. so I started gutt loading crickets with everything that I would feed to her. I now also feed her baby food & crush up the red bearded dragon food & soak it & syringe feed...
  2. Smawg

    Softserve stopped eating again, what do we do!?

    Yeah, good idea to get more things into his diet. poor little thing, I wish you luck with him
  3. Smawg

    Softserve stopped eating again, what do we do!?

    They are the plain red longer type ones,not the round ball type. the brand is either Zilla, All living things or Flukkers. What state are you in? Maybe I will take a stool sample & have one done for Smawg. She hasn't been to a vet in a few years. it`s about 45 min to a hour drive to a reptile...
  4. Smawg

    Softserve stopped eating again, what do we do!?

    my beardie is picky & also a syringe eater. she has not eaten greens,veggies or fruits since she was a couple months old & she is 4 yrs old now. She will eat dubias,crickets,hornworms, wax worms, bsfl. I`ll even wait on a few hornworms let them pupa & let her eat the moth. i do not feed her...
  5. Smawg

    Feeding issues in juvenile beardie

    You do not always have to dust the bugs & salads, to much can harm him. maybe he is dehydrated? mine did the same thing, & has became a very picky eater, Are you talking about the repta coil bulbs? all coil bulb have bad reviews & I personally do not like them, does your beardie seem blonde at...
  6. Smawg

    Yellow fungus or natural color

    Your beardie is beautiful! do you have other photos
  7. Smawg

    Feeding issues in juvenile beardie

    Mine done this too. Go buy some hornworms & try that, I have a good feeling he will eat them :) make sure you do not give him more liquid then he should have. that can make him sick too, did you take him to a reptile vet? I still syringe feed mine once in a while becasue she is a very picky...
  8. Smawg

    Yellow fungus or natural color

    Looks natural to me , mine started showing color under her neck & I was on forums asking the same thing & mine is fine :) Does not mean the same for you, but yours does look normal too :)
  9. Smawg


    If your beardie doesn't show signs of illness, more then likely he will be fine. what state are you in? maybe you can send a fecal sample to a different reptile vet & they can test it for you.
  10. Smawg

    Is this yellow fungus?

    maybe he is going to shed? the side of his face looks like it too, does he have proper set up & eating good too?
  11. Smawg

    Is this a big enough enclosure?

    I say the bigger the better, a lot of people say a 20 gallon long is good enough, but me personally i want my beardie to have room to roam, have a hot,warm and cooler side, I have a 75 gal. 48 1/2 x 18. I think this is perfect, because she isnt really to terribly active. be careful the size...
  12. Smawg

    What is wrong with this baby Dragon

    My opinion, take it to a vet near you & put him down if you can not help him or know anyone who will help him. he shouldn't just sit around & have to suffer. take it back to the pet shop where they got him
  13. Smawg

    Beardie potential health problems

    Mine is doing the same thing,brumation type thing going id say. what kind of dirt is that? & it looks like salt or glass mixed in possibly? Do you use BOTH uva & uvb light? are you keeping him cooler at night so he can digest his food good? what do you feed him? try something new & see if he...
  14. Smawg

    Mouth Noise

    I was wondering if its normal after beardies drink, if their mouth should make a moist clammy sound after they swallow. as if they have peanut butter in their mouth. I spray water in her mouth until she doesnt want anymore because she does not drink out of a bowl, she doesn't even eat fruits...
  15. Smawg

    Temp Trouble

    I have my beardie in a 75 Gal. Aquarium, 48 Length x 18 Height Aside of her having the T5 HO 24W UVB tube light, I have a 150 watt basking light in a tall dome lamp, & I have a 100 watt day light in a big wider dome lamp. Pictures are included. My question is. why is my heat reading so low...